
Last night Gayle and I had a great dinner at Steve and Vicki's house. It's always fun to hang out with them and the two "perfect children": Autumn and H. David. Steve and I went to Menards to pickup a part for his monster lawn mower and while we were there, I noticed a few of those "lawn ornaments". Maybe you've seen them. Maybe some of you even have one in your front yard. What's up with those things?! They look like a shiny glass bowling ball on a pedestal. The sign advertising these for sale - as if they expect people to actually buy this trash - said that these lawn decorations are for "gazing". Give me one good reason to gaze at a glass ball that's sitting in your yard on top of a pedestal. I don't get it. I believe these glass balls are equipped with hidden antennas that allow extraterrestials to eavesdrop on us. Don't fall for this ploy. If you need to put one of these gazing balls in your yard, at least protect all of us by enclosing it in a lead sleeve. Thanks!


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