
Well, spring break is here and so am I. It sure would be nice to get on a plane and head south for warmer weather. However, the sky is blue, with an occassional white snowflake here and there, and sunny. Yesterday was a good day, although attendance was down. I always look forward to this time of year, especially leading up to Easter. Perhaps Christ's passion is more meaningful this year because of the movie, or perhaps I'm just tuned in a bit more...I'm not sure. I still can't comprehend the magnitude of his love.

Michael Card wrote a song about the cross entitled "Why". Why was he betrayed by a friend, why was he betrayed with a kiss, why a crown of thorns, etc. The one "why" that really penetrates my heart dead-on, is the "why did they have to nail his feet and hands to the cross, when his love would have held him there."



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