I'm beginning to hear more and more about the Federal Marriage Amendment, and the importance of its passage, and rightfully so.
The Bible - God's Word - speaks very clearly about marriage and that in itself makes this a clearly defined issue for a person who holds the Bible to be the true Word of God. Marriage was created by God and ordained by God for man and woman. However, we now find men and women, with the court's blessing, attempting to change what God created and ordained to meet their self-focused desires. When you read through the Old Testament, you see a history of that and the results. History does indeed repeat itself.
When men and women who are living apart from God and left to their own designs and desires, we will continually see a weakening of the very institutions that God put in place for our good and benefit, and for His glory.
So, if you agree that something must be done to stop this downward spiral, what do you do about it? Bury your head in the sand and pray that Jesus returns soon? Write an e-mail or a letter? Make a phone call?
We must do something, since we're called to be salt and light in the world. I believe at a minimum, a phone call to your two Senators is a must. Do it today. I am.
I also believe that we can impact our culture one person at a time if we're faithful to God's Word, stand on it's truth, and be winsome in our communication with those who don't hold to the same truth and understanding. We're asked to be faithful in presenting God's truth, leaving the results to Him.
Striving to be faithful,
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