

What exactly does that word mean?

The dictionary says that surrender means "to give up control or possession of to another on demand or under compulsion. To give (oneself) over, as to an emotion: yield."

Sounds exciting doesn't it? Who of us wants to give up control or possession of something or someone? Isn't that asking a bit too much? I mean, after all, I do deserve some things don't I?

Jesus Christ asks those who desire to follow Him, to surrender to him daily. Remember, we are to deny (surrender) ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus (surrender).

This morning I was reading Mark 12, at the very end of this chapter. Jesus is sitting in the temple observing people as they throw (shouldn't they place?) their offering - large amounts - into the temple treasury. Wouldn't that be just a little intimidating?

Jesus then spots a poor widow approaching to give her offering. She drops (notice she didn't throw) in two very small coins, worth less than a penny, and Jesus then uses the moment to instruct His disciples. He tells them this widow put more into the treasury than all the others, because she gave out of her poverty, while the others gave out of their wealth. This is only possible in God's economy.

What a great picture of surrender. As I stand impoverished, poor, and bankrupt before God Almighty and give the little bit that I have, which by the way isn't worth a penny. But yet surrendering it all without concern for the future -leaving nothing - zero - zip - nada. That's trust. That's surrender. That's worship. That's impossible without the power of God through the Holy Spirit.

How can I understand this level of surrender so that I can consistently live there?

Why do I trust people I've never met and things I've only read about, more than I trust the Creator of the universe?
I like to keep my "death grip" on just enough to make me feel comfortable and in charge. Yet, God wants all of me...not half...not 99%...all.

I'm committing today to learn about this "poor widow's level of surrender" and then putting that level of trust in God in practice today and beyond.

Striving to release my grip on stuff,


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