
Versions of the Truth?
In watching snippets of the democratic national convention, I heard people talk about a "version" of truth.  These comments arose when Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11, and his political views were discussed.  If people are holding to a belief that there are different levels and versions of truth, we are residing in treacherous territory.  Yet, this is exactly where our modern culture has landed.  The thing that concerns me most, is that we (the church) often buy into this.  I was reading someone's blog the other day - a young man I respect - and was shocked to find that this person swallowed hook, line, and sinker, Michael Moore's take on truth while watching his movie.  The scary thing about all this is that we are a culture that has a difficult time separating truth and reality from general thoughts, comments, and ideas.  If seems that if we see it, read it, or hear it - chances are, we believe it.   When we live day-to-day in this place of understanding, it can only lead to "versions of the truth."  When we become too lazy to become informed, we fall into the trap of truthlessness.

Seeking truth,
Deurty Old Man



At 11:45 PM, Blogger Deur said...

Dave Deur is the man and that is the truth in any version.

What about versions of the Bible? Is that versions of the truth? :) What?

At 1:48 AM, Blogger Josh Jackson said...

To an old guy I respect :),

Thanks for making me visible Dibs...as I would probably be the only person in your realm of influence who would tell people to see a Moore film. :)

Isn't everything a "version" of the truth though? Like Deurty said, isn't the Bible a "version" of the truth about God? It reveals a "version" about God that I find...and you may find another "version" that I may not find or agree with.

So let's make the Bush administration and the war in Iraq a generalized TRUTH. Michael Moore has his "version" of the truth and Dibs gets his "version" from somewhere else. You said, "we are a culture that has a difficult time separating truth and reality from general thoughts, comments, and ideas" - but what if you're falling "hook, line and sinker" into ideas presented by another side?

I find your post a little unbalanced...especially the way you ended it - "When we become too lazy to become informed, we fall into the trap of truthlessness." Isn't becoming "informed" seeing a movie that presents a "version" of the truth..just like watching Republican TV and reading Newspapers slanted Republican presents a "version" of the truth?

Remember Dibs, our point on the BLOG was to encourage people to see a "version" of the Bush and War Truth...to get both sides...to be informed (as you would say)...not for people to see it and buy into everything and hate Bush forever. I really hope you have actually SEEN the movie...it's hard to dialogue with someone who has only HEARD about the movie from Evangelical Republicans.

From the... "young man" you "respect." You the man Dave!

At 8:50 AM, Blogger Deur said...

Josh - I think your post came off like you swallowed Moore's version of the truth - hook, line and sinker because you began to make judgements from your watching the film. It appeared that think what you saw was all truthful and factual.


I think we have a discussion that reflects the question: "what is truth?" In our emerging post modern world the idea of truth being based on perspective will increase and the thought of "TRUTH" being above and beyond people's perspective will not stand. I think this is the most frustrating part of the whole post modern mindset - because it naturally moves Jesus from being "the way the TRUTH and the Life" and makes Him, "a way, a truth (as I see it - you might not) and a life..."

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Josh Jackson said...

C'mon Dibs, where are you? Steve - I'm with you...this will be a big discussion in the years ahead. There seems to be many different ways of looking at John 14:6 though...just because it says that JESUS is TRUTH doesn't mean that Christians have "cornered the market" as a fellow a few miles East of you would say. I'm reading some helpful books that help me in my search..."Honest to God" by John Robinson is a good one. Also, listening to some of Rob Bells stuff from the "Mastering the art of living" series would be good. Especially "All Things Are Yours" and the 2 that follow that one. Have you read those? Later...


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