That's the way everything seems to be since my visit to the eye doctor yesterday. He put a contact in one eye to help me experience what life would be like if I had laser surgery correcting the vision of one eye. Here's the scheme - you use one eye for reading and one for distance. How does my brain figure that out? It doesn't...and that's why things are blurry. My doctor told me that it may take a day to two to adjust...we'll see. Some of the side effects have included dizziness and blurriness. Since most helpful medication and medical advice I've been given, causes side effects like headaches, nausea, ringing ears, itchy skin, vomiting, confusion, impotence, and diarrhea, I was naturally concerned about my body reaction to this disposal contact lens. I am grateful that it has not yet caused diarrhea.
Favorite Olympic moments: 1. Paul Hamm's explanation of why he deserved the gold. It must be the tights. 2. The cocky Russian Diva's miscue on the uneven parallel bars, and immediate departure from the gym. 3. Carly performing. 4. Matt Lauer's intense and penetrating interviewing skills - c'mon Matt, lighten up.
Wishing I was young and really knew the truth,
Deurty Old Man
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