I put something together as a reminder to our entire staff regarding the beginning of the Fall season. Sometimes we seem to get so caught up in "ministry" we forget the people, especially those who are "checking church out." Enough said...
The beginning of the Fall season often brings with it many first time guests.
Here's the top 10 ways to continue to make Central a "Guest Friendly Place":
10. On Sundays, park away from the building and leave the best spots for others.
9. Be sensitive and intentional about seeking opportunities to welcome new people, and when appropriate, help them take "next steps" (Guest Reception, Community Groups, etc)
8. Become informed about what's going on at Central, so you can assist.
7. Remember, you can interact with those in your ministry area all week long, Sunday's are the best time to meet NEW people. A healthy balance is important.
6. Set a goal to bring someone to the Guest Reception Area every Sunday.
5. Use breath mints and deodorant
4. When you meet people, ask questions, instead of telling them stuff they don't need to, or want to, know.
3. Set a goal to invite someone to attend Discoverying Central every week.
2. Smile Constantly
1. Pray for opportunities to meet and encourage others each Sunday
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