President Bush made an appearance in Holland yesterday, and for the past 5 days, there were tons of preparations made for his short visit here on a sunny Monday afternoon. An advance team of secret service and bomb squad people came in to check out the venue. The local law enforcement folks were in on the planning and preparation and all the traffic logistics. State Police snipers were positioned, manhole covers were welded shut, news media trucks were positioned to broadcast. The local Republican Party enlisted volunteers to help with a multitude of projects to prepare for the president's visit. This past weekend, people waited in line for long periods of time to get tickets to see the president (myself included). They invited friends to attend with them and even picked up tickets for their friends. There was a great spirit of excitement and anticipation.
The event itself was one of great enthusiasm. People were hollering, screaming and shouting enouragement to the president while making an all out effort to get close enough to take a clear picture or even receive a handshake from President Bush. All this for the leader of our country, the president of the United States.
This whole ordeal causes me to ask some questions: Am I reacting in similar ways in sharing the awesome privilege I have to enjoy an intimate, vibrant, growing, relationship with God of the universe, through Jesus Christ? If not, why not? Presidents come and go. Eternity is forever. What preparations am I making for Christ's return visit? Who am I inviting to be there with me? How loudly and often am I cheering for Him?
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