
Have you ever noticed that when a new business park or subdivision is developed, the roads are seldom staight? Why would someone put in curvey, meandering roads? It has to be less costly to pave a straight road and then plot out the lots for the future homes or businesses in straight lines - 90 degree corners - with the same diminsions. All you would need is a good ruler. For someone anal-retentive, as my daughter-in-law calls me, it only makes sense to save the bucks and put in straight lines and predictable corners. Here's the rub. A developer, is not typically anal-retentive. A developer is looking for a certain appearance - a community feel - and for safety.

This whole winding road speed bumping trail, reminded me of the fact that when my life is running in straight lines - head-down and a 100 mph (or for you Kiwi's- 160 kph), I'm totally oblivious to what's happening around me. However, when I'm forced to slow down due to some God-designed curve or His strategically placed speed bumps, it's then and usually only then, that I'm really able to see and truly notice what's happening around me.

Next time you're in a hurry and you run into some obstacles along the way that force you to slow down a bit....don't complain, lift your head, be open to what you are encountering, enjoy it, and then thank God for it.

You can run but you can't hide,


At 10:22 PM, Blogger Dan said...

can't help you with the in law problem, I seem to not know what that is:p

At 2:51 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Thanks for the insight Double D! You have a way with creative analogies.


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