I've taken a long enough break, and it's time to get back into the swing. The Thanksgiving break was outstanding. We were able to hang a bit with 2/3 of our kids and all the grandkids. We celebrated Thanksgiving with friends and family at the church gym - 40 in all. We had a great time. It was interesting watching Deurty hobble around on the basketball court, trying to guard Dan "the Family Man" Seaborn.
It seems that the older I get the longer it takes to get back into the flow of things after a four day break. I'm finally hitting my stride. That's one small stride for man, one giant stride for the emerging church.
I'm diving into Matthew right now, so I'll be sharing some things I'm learning over the next couple of days.
Poor DOM is getting old. Sorry to hear that man. Well, just so you know I don't think that you need a cane yet. So sad to hear that you have stooped to hanging out with with the likes of the Seaborn clan but good to hear that he ran circles around you!
Can't wait to hear how the book of Matthew speaks to you. I have started and almost finished McManus's book, "The Unstoppable Force." What a great book!
Anyways, don't hurt yourself,
it takes you a few days to recover from a four day break... it takes the emerging kids two weeks, because they need to catch up with the recent "relevant" magazine so they know what they are supposed to be thinking.
What the? I rip on myself.
Are you saying that the emergent are relevant, or wanna be?
I am saying that we wait for the next McLaren book to come out so we know what we should be thinking and to feed the inner rage that comes from being taught that all we needed to know about the gospel could be found in a poorly produced track. I'm joking of course... kinda. :)
I think the poorly produced track fits the authenticity of the emergent conversation. Nothing slick...just basic truth. Back to the future Deurty!
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