That's the word that best describes what took place at the Palace, with 45 seconds left in a game in which the Pacers were thrashing the Pistons.
It started with Ben Wallace losing his cool after he was fouled by Ron Artest. Ben went after Artest and seemed to be shoving and strumming Artest's face with his hands and fingers. What's up with that Ben? Is that basketball? Is that the kind of action that brought you to an allstar level of play in the NBA? I don't think so!
And what's up with Ron Artest and his buddy Jackson, charging up into the stands and trying to take on, literally 100's of fans at one time? Gutsy? No way...just plain ignorant. They crossed the line and the NBA and the law has to make them pay the price for it.
Then there's the fans. What an ugly display from the city that has had a bad name for years. Now, that bad name has been confirmed and Detroit's reputation is solidified. What a bunch of angry punks. A mob scene...swinging arms and fists, sucker-punching, beer tossing, ice throwing, popcorn tossing, chair hurling, taunting, pointing derisively, spitting, obscene gesturing, yadayada.
These are the fans of Detroit Basketball in its finest hour! We must realize that the true character of people is displayed in these situations.
Maybe the NBA should bench the Pistons and the Pacers for the rest of the season, and let the two teams setup tag-team wrestling with those Piston fans who think it's cool to throw their drinks and ice on people. Or maybe we could have them all lace up some skates and fight...ahhhh I mean play Red Wing Hockey.
Actually there are two words describe the scene at the Palace last night: Disgusting and Ugly.
Artest is a thug.
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