Gayle and I have been spending a few weeks looking at, and teaching from the book of James in the Sunday morning Lifemates/Family Starters class.
This week we're looking at James 4:13-17, and discussing how we, as followers of Christ, can face the future. We really seem to be hungup, preoccupied, and even obsessed with the future. James is not saying that planning for the future is wrong, he's saying that leaving God out of this planning process is the problem.
Anyway, the verse that resonates with me is: "Anyone then, who know the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." (vs.17) The proverbial sin of omission. We can find ourselves seeking to understand God's will for our lives in the "BIG decisions" - should I buy this car, should I take this job, should we move into another neighborhood/city, or be a part of this or that ministry. Each of these decisions are important and it is important and necessary to seek God's wisdom and direction as we make these decisions. However, there's a ton of other "stuff" that God clearly states in His Word that are clearly "His will" for my life. How can I ignore obedience to these clear desires of God's heart for my life? Am I picking and choosing what part of God's will for my life I want to hear or respond to? Am I procrastinating in areas that I need to pull the trigger on? What's keeping me from responding?
I believe James is telling us that the more we walk in obedience in all areas of Gods' revelation to us, the easier it is to discover what God wants us to do. I wonder if Nike got the idea for "Just Do It" from the book of James?
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