
Important events from the past year - chronologically:
-40 Days of Purpose
-Monday noon men's small group
-Honeymooner's events
-Passion of the Christ
-Income Tax time
-Hamilton H.S. vs. Allegan H.S. basketball game
-Lunch with Kathy Trocoli
-Meetings regarding doing ministry in a more effective way
-Birth of the SKILL Ministry
-Aitchie's birthday party
-Hanging with the grandkids while their parents cruise
-More than 100 baptisms after 40 DOP
-Last FLAME classes completed
-Wedding Song premarital workshop
-Tuesday night softball
-Thursday night tennis
-Breakfasts with Jay and Donna at Remember When
-House hunting with Bif and Jo-Jo in Marion
-Changing the oil in the Camry x2
-Dinners, and hanging out with our kids and grandkids
-Trips to Chicago with the G-woman and with others
-Hangtime with Gary Thomas
-Conference in LA and hanging out with Dallas Willard, Eugene Petersen, and Larry Crabb
-Unplugging with Dan Seaborn and Micah Kephart
-A week with some family members in Gulf Shores, AL
-Moving Bif and Jo-Jo from Oklahoma City to Marion, with Jimbo's help
-General Conference...what?
-Small group time
-Move into our new home
-Beach time
-A week of study and planning up north with Steve
-A week at Lake View with Family
-Eric gets teaching job and heads out to AZ
-Dad's 90th birthday
-Autumn's 5th birthday
-Hanging out with our kids and grandkids for extended times
-Teaching in Lifemates/Family Starters
-SHAPE + Consultations
-Friday Golf
-Eric and Lisa sale house and Lisa moves their stuff to AZ with Dan the driving man
-Hudson enters the world...quickly
-Begin working out regularly
-SKILL Ministry grows quickly
-Steve goes to Kiwi land and brings back a treat - Lift
-Savannah's birthday party
-Calvin beats Hope in hockey
-Thanksgiving with family
-Christmas with family - a couple of nights in Chicago

2004 - quick review...
Things that standout: Time with family, time with friends, and time in ministry.


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Deur said...

Don't forget the record setting Detroit Tigers double header and saying hey to George Brett! :)

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Dave Deur said...

The Tiger doubleheader with Gramps and Lisa was definitely a highlight and belongs on the list. However, George Brett's impestuous snub was not worthy of mention.


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