
Why in the world have wire deer with white lights become the preferred yard symbol of Christmas??

This year I have seen an explosion of lighted yard deer and more and more are added daily. Are these guys reproducing. Are we being taken over by wire deer? The only thing that may save us from a potential hostile takeover, will be the large, lighted inflatables gracing the front yards of homes across the country - Santa's and Snowmen to the rescue!

Who stole Christmas?


At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Classy West Michigan. C'mon Dibs, can't you see it...the new deer represent wealth and class! Out with the plastic Santa Clause from Walmart and in with the perfectly rounded white deer from Bloomingdales!!! What the?? :)

It looks like the original "Jones" have upgraded a notch or two...and West Michigan has followed. Just the urban take - jJackson

ps - Isn't that your house? :)

At 11:15 PM, Blogger Hosh said...

Wire Deer are a lot like Campaign signs. The wire deer let us know that the family housed inside are ready for Christmas. They have all the gifts ready for the kids, the tree is up and decorated, the turkey is in the freezer awaiting it's blissful day and the family Christmas cards are on their way to the intended destinations. Can't you see that those families are perfect. No chaos in those houses!


At 9:18 PM, Blogger Deur said...

I think people around here need to still have something to do in their yards.

Call it what you want, but it helps keep people off drugs.

At 10:47 PM, Blogger Dave Deur said...

Maybe you're right Deurty, but I'm concerned that these wire critters may reproduce faster than we can handle, and take over everything in the yard, including the the ever popular gazing balls from Menards.


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