
I'm working on getting a group of men together for a weekly, early morning, discipleship group. We're planning on meeting on Thursdays from 6am - 7:30am. The time may separate the men from the boys, or should I say USC from OU? We're going to go through Gene Getz's material The Making of a Man - Attributes of a Godly Man.
I'm hoping for a broad age mix, but heavier on the emergent side, if you know what I mean.

It's difficult getting men out for a study in the evenings and weekends. I'm looking forward to seeing if 6am is the motherlode.

If you know of any good resources that you have found helpful and effective, please let me know. Thanks!

Christian or Churchin?


At 7:04 PM, Blogger Hosh said...

I don't know if 6 am is the, quote, unquote, motherlaod, but may providence be good to you in that.

From a designer's point of view: Way to go on the template. This is so much more emergent than the last template you had. Way to go DOM!


At 9:28 PM, Blogger Deur said...

dibs is more than just emergent.. he is emission... even further... he is seepage.

and by the way - 6 am is an ungodly hour!


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