
A Friend Departs
I went to a funeral on Monday. Actually it was entitled a celebration of the life of Herb Van Iddekinge. Herb passed away this past Friday evening at age 61. When I picked up the newspaper and quickly scanned the obituaries on Sunday morning, Herb's name in bold print, hit me like a ton of bricks. Herb was a friend. Even though our lives drifted a part over the past 20 years, the memories of times with Herb and his family are special. We vacationed with Herb at Big Star Lake for a couple of years. We often camped with Herb. We ate together, told jokes together, golfed together, laughed together. Herb was a guy who you could count on. A guy who would do or say "the right thing" when "the right thing" needed to be said or done. Herb had a heart for the less fortunate in our community and engaged in ministries that met their needs. Herb will be missed.


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