My son-in-law, Bif, recommended another Parker Palmer book: A Hidden Wholeness. I am well into this book and learning. Thanks Bif!
Palmer's premise is based on his belief that, as individuals, we hide our true identities from each other because of a fear that our inner light will be extinguished or our inner darkness exposed. Therefore, we go through life divided. The book discusses how and why we live divided lives, and what we can integrate into our lives to work toward wholeness. Palmer forwards the idea that we all need a circle of trust (this comes in the form of a intimate small group) where barriers can be identified and broken down and removed. Palmer writes, "We arrive in this world undivided, intregal, whole. But sooner or later, we erect a wall between our inner and outer lives, trying to protect what is within us or to deceive the people around us." There are certainly consequences to living a divided life.
Journeying toward an undivided life,
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