

Our small group plays dirty bingo every Christmas. Just over a year ago, the big gift of the evening were two figurines affectionately known as the Christmas Kids. These two characters have been passed around from couple to couple during the 16 months of their existence. They have ridden in a police cruiser on patrol, and were seen relaxing comfortably in the office waiting room of a local financial planner/adviser. They have been suspended precariously from the peaks of two dormers. They even made a surprise appearance out of state when they stowed away in a group member's duffle bag. They have their own email and express their thoughts and whereabouts frequently. The Christmas Kids have made the rounds. It's added a whole new diminsion of fun and laughter to our small group. Crazy? Yes! Fun? Always!



At 6:27 PM, Blogger Arkay said...

It's a video waiting to happen....film it!!


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