I usually try not to blog about politics but a column in the Sunday Grand Rapids Press pushed me over the edge, so here goes:
Open blog to Senator Debbie Stabenow:
Yesterday, I read your Guest Column in the Grand Rapids Press and was disheartened by your stance. In order to defend the need for a filibuster to prevent an up or down vote on a couple of judicial nominees, you stated: "It is critical to protect our democratic system of checks and balances." How in the world can a decision to allow a simple up or down vote on judicial nominees, be transformed into a major "democratic system" battle for everything we hold dear? Did I miss something in the past 200 years? You cited the use of the filibuster in the Abe Fortas nomination 37 years ago, but failed to indicate that Mr. Fortas was already on the Supreme Court. The filibuster was related to him becoming the Chief Justice, or elevation on the court and not appointment to the court. The attempted filibuster was defeated and cloture brought by a 3-1 margin! Hardly a comparison. Additionally, Senator Stabenow, you scare tactic of tying the potential loss of our precious Great Lakes water, to this filibuster is unconscionable. What I hear you saying is that the majority does not want to protect Michigan families. That's just plain wrong and such an attitude serves only to block any possible compromise.
I respectfully ask that you as an elected Senator from the State of Michigan, carry out your "advise and consent" responsibility in the Senate and allow an up or down vote on ALL the judicial nominees - not just 95%.
i agree
at least give the people a vote
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