

Thirty-six years ago, on June 4, 1969 I stood in front of a church watching and waiting for my beautiful bride to slowly make her way down the aisle on the arm of her dad. I was 20 years old and had no clue whatsoever about the journey we were embarking on together on that warm June evening. I must admit that my thoughts were more focused on the honeymoon than on the wedding ceremony that was just beginning. Sweat poured from every pore of my body. Frazzled nerves, uncertainty, warm room? I'm not sure but the pastor was kind enough to swab my face with his handkerchief while we knelt before him during a time of prayer. From my perspective, the vows we repeated that evening seemed to be just words strung together that were a necessary part of a wedding and would allow us to move on to the honeymoon. With each passing year, these vows take on more and more meaning. They speak of an incredible commitment to each other, no matter what we're faced with, for as long as we live. These vows have become more than just words strung together, they have become an intregal part of our marriage.

Grateful for 36 awesome years of marriage and anxiously looking forward to the next 36. Thanks G! The best is yet to come!



At 10:07 AM, Blogger Speak up! said...


At 9:47 AM, Blogger molly madonna said...

Thanks for being the Deur's--and a couple that we can share with, learn from, pray with, celebrate! I'm so grateful for knowing you both. Congratulations on your continually beautiful and exemplary marriage!

At 7:09 PM, Blogger Dan said...

Molly is absolutely correct. Also 3 children that are now wonderful adults, another testament to the kind of people the Deurs are. Congrats!

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Deur said...

Congrats DIBS! Love you and so thankful for you and mom and your example and continued love and your blogging. :) what the?

The kid who came a bit earlier than planned.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Dave Deur said...

Thanks Mike, Molly, and Dan.
Such kind words! Thanks

God's plan is never early, or late for that matter!

An early gift when not expected is a gift of rare beauty and a great treasure.

That's an official quote from Dibs.

At 2:22 AM, Blogger About Brandon said...

Congratulations! You two make a great example for those of us who are starting the marriage journey. We're working on 3 this June!
Congratulations again!

Brandon & Jennifer Bruce

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Dave Deur said...

Thanks B & J! Marriage can be like a fine wine, it gets better with age. I said "can be" because it takes some real effort, effort that not every couple is willing to put forth. Stay with it and with each other! The best is yet to come.

I'm excited to hear about your move to Rapid City. I'll be looking forward to hearing about how God's working there.


At 7:39 AM, Blogger C-Man said...

that is awesome!! what is the secret?

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Josh Jackson said...

Looking fine after 36!!! Rock stars,



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