Every day, I am confronted with intersections in my life. No, I’m not talking about the kind of intersections you confront each day when you slide behind the wheel of your behemoth SUV, that has an insatiable appetite for every last drop of oil from the middle east and a consuming desire to indiscriminately wreak havoc and mayhem on American highways. That’s another blog and another time.
Instead, I’m talking about another kind of intersection. It’s an intersection that I am forced to navigate every day – the intersection where my faith in God intersects with my reality. Faith on its own doesn’t create anything, but instead impacts how I respond to current reality. When I make an effort to question that which is unexplainable, tear it apart, or deconstruct it, I am in danger of distorting or losing the very mystery of faith itself. Often, the best way to understand faith is by experience – an Indiana Jones “step off the ledge” experience. Taking that fear-filled step makes absolutely no sense, but faith wins out and I take it. In so doing my faith becomes real and even matures and grows stronger.
On the other hand, when my faith is unclear, unstable or wavering, my mind is beset with a continual flow of questions, causing inner turmoil and obfuscation (I love that word, so I had to use it).
Perhaps because I believe faith is so important and pivotal in Christianity, I am often guilty of making it too complicated. In reality, faith is simple. “Unless you accept God’s kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you’ll never get in.” (Luke 18:17 Msg) Even a small amount of faith is far more powerful than we realize. “…if you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Mt.17:20 NIV)
Today, as your faith and reality intersect, take on a mole hill and move a mountain.
Additional quote about this thing called faith:
Even skeptics have faith. They have faith that skepticism is true.
Likewise agnostics have faith that agnosticism is true. There are no
neutral positions when it comes to beliefs."
- I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Norman L. Geisler & Frank
Faith is the operative buzz word of offense, though. Ask an atheist about faith and it gets filtered through religious terminology. Ask them if they believe that the world is larger than they can see and most will agree.
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