

Tookie Williams inhaled his last breath this week when "justice" ran its course. He was executed by injection in the State of California, a liberal bastion.

There are good people who fall on both sides of this capital punishment issue. That's what makes it a charged issue. It's all about respect for life. I suppose you could say Tookie didn't respect the lives of the 3 people he executed and, therefore, was sent to death row to pay the price. In this situation, the only people who no longer have a voice to speak out about Tookie's fate, are the victims. They're dead and have been for some time. They have been denied their greatest right as God's creation - the right to life.

Does Tookie's lack of respect for human life give good reason for "the state" to disrespect his life and take it? Good question. I do know that life is precious. I only wish Tookie would have learned that earlier in his life. Tookie has left a legacy of hard as nails gang members who devalue life and create mayhem - the Crips. To his credit, in the past number of years, he has made efforts to turn young men away from gangs. He was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, but then so was Yasser Arafat, so I'm not sure what weight a nomination should carry in the court of public opinion.

All things considered, I believe that taking any human life is wrong...and that includes the life of an unborn baby.



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