During the past few weeks I've been encouraged to boycott a number of retail establishments because they've apparently chosen to replace Christmas with other generic and pc words. I'm not all together certain that a boycott will make much of a difference beyond the surface - which is economics. Or for those of you who live in Borculo, that would be - money. Are we not called to be salt and light in our world? For salt and/or light to make any difference in this confused world, we need to be close enough to those whom we're "lighting up" or "seasoning." Salt doesn't work well at all if it's sprinkled generously on a table instead of a slab of beef tenderloin sitting on a plate upon that very table.
Bottomline: We don't need to create more walls or an "us against them" attitude. Jesus didn't call us to boycott, He called us to be world changers, one at a time.
Enough said, but here's the confusing part. I've been hearing that some large evangelical churches are cancelling Christmas Day services because people are too busy, and potential turnouts may be very small. Too busy to celebrate the birth of the Messiah on a day the church always meets? Cancelling a regular event due to the potential numbers of people who would or wouldn't show up? (I wonder how the shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem would respond to this?) Is this another form of a boycott??
Good thoughts Dave. Thanks for that.
You are just bitter because you have to go on Christmas. :)
Christmas Eve baby!
Christmas Eve is cool, because I believe Mary went into labor sometime on Christmas that will work.
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