Christmas Day is falling on Sunday this year! What's up with that!? Are we now expected to go to a worship service on Sunday? But, we do that every Sunday, and besides it's Christmas and that's a time for family and friends. And, by the way, isn't it ridiculous how certain retailers are allegedly refusing to deliver a "Merry Christmas" greeting when we buy all that stuff for our "family and friends" time of year? I'm so appalled that these retailers, and many others, are not acknowledging what Christmas is all about! They just don't get it! C'mon! This is family and friend time. In fact, that's why we're working so hard to schedule our Christmas services on any day around Christmas, but not actually on Christmas!
But why?
Here's the responses I hear, you'll love em!
-"We're choosing to value families; people over policy."
-"In Jewish and biblical tradition, Sunday begins at sundown Saturday so we're holding Christmas Eve services. Besides, Jesus broke tradition and was criticized for it."
-"Christmas Day is a family time. We always gather and open gifts that day!"
-"Christmas began as a pagan holiday to the Roman gods, and anyway, Jesus was most likely born in January or April."
-"Jesus isn't concerned about when we celebrate His birth. He only wants our hearts!"
-"Christmas has always been time to really connect with family. Going to church interferes with that time."
Cool. So here's a great idea. Since it's not really necessary to celebrate the birth of Christ on a set day each year, no matter when it falls. Let's do the same with the other major Christian "holiday" - Easter. By scheduling Easter on Sunday each year, we're cutting into some heavy duty family connecting time. It would be so helpful if we could spend Easter with family....taking our time with the ham, enjoying more time and creativity with the Easter egg hunt, and even developing new traditions...maybe even gift exchanges. Let's celebrate Easter on Thursday, and then take a long weekend break, just for family! Besides, Resurrection Sunday could be celebrated anytime...even on another day, right? Let's not get hung up on policy!
Bottomline view from my vantage point: Christmas has become more about us than about Jesus, even though we continue to tell ourselves that He is the reason for the season. When we make decisions about putting "family time" and certain "Christmas traditions" ahead of celebrating God's gift to mankind - the Christ Child, we may just be on a slippery slope, heading toward greater secularization of Christmas, and perhaps joining forces with the secular mindset we continue to rant about and decry. A good way to react to this would be to attend church together, as a family, and worship Jesus Christ! Jesus would probably tell each of us that He is not the reason for the season, we are! He became like us, for the sole purpose to redeem us! That's Good News!
Merry Family Time!
I heard an unbelievable ad driving in today on a sports talk station. Funny how I heard it after reading this last night. It was a Church that the whole pitch was that they have arranged their services around the football schedule. The pitch was for the guys that you could still make it to church and not miss one play. One guy in the ad said I would rather be watching the game then falling asleep in Church. I think too many people are hoping for a Hail Mary on the last play of their game. Sad thing is they have no idea when that last play will take place.
Hey Deur...Good stuff. Couldn't agree more. Have a wonderful weekend.
Chad McCallum
Hey Deur...Good stuff. Couldn't agree more. Have a wonderful weekend.
Chad McCallum
Let me kick at the tires...
1) Was the first Christmas special?
2) Why/why not?
3) Did they have a church service?
4) What does this tell us?
1. Yes
2. The promised Messiah entered the world, in the flesh, for all!
3. Yes, a first and second service. The first was more traditional and took place in the fields, with a choir of angels. The second was more contemporary (emergent and experiential) at the manger.
4. God loves me so much that He sent the very best!
As I thankfully receive His incredible gift, my best and most meaningful reaction is, worship.
Hope to see you in church on Christmas day!
I really haven't thought out this comment, but here are some thoughts from my situation...
First my underlining value:
The family is the central worship hub, but corporate worship is vital to the equipping of the parents.
We are doing just Christmas Eve. No Christmas day.
1) We don't have a building and it is hard to get the school to let us do Christmas and have their staff cover it. We couldn't even do Christmas Eve. We are at a different location that worked on Christmas Eve.
This is a great cop-out, but is a reality for us.
2) We as a church (in our brief time) have not done a Christmas gathering - no matter what time of the week. Unlike the church I grew up in. But we have done gatherings on Sundays. So with our current situation, why did we chose to not search high and low for a place to gather this Sunday on Christmas?
3) We decided to do Christmas Eve to usher in Christmas and to provide equipping and remembering, meaning and worship for families as they enter into Christmas as a family.
4) I wanted to spend Christmas with my family and encourage others to do the same and to invite those without a place to join them. This may be selfish on my part, my staff's part, some of the leadership's part, but then again we are just a church plant. :)
To wrap up: we are going to focus on the meaning in the way that we think best fits our people and our situation. The ultimate desire is to equip parents so that they can lead their family in worship on Christmas day.
I am also a slacker.
Love - your son
Around every corner...there's an exception...around every bend is a "but"...
Have an exceptional Christmas!
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