

There's an interesting saying that I've heard recently: "The god you make requires your defense. The God that made you, requires no defense."

As our nation wrestles with what to teach our children in our public school classrooms, we are hearing arguments put forth by both sides - evolutionists and creationists. Science tends to favor evolution, since they can point to proven scientific research and findings that various species have evolved over time.

Currently,Intelligent Design is code for, "In the beginning God created..."
Why do we find ourselves in a position where we feel the need to defend our Creator? Why are we seeking to use code words to help people understand God? Is this intelligent? God's the designer and maker of heaven and earth, and His creation reveals just who He is to everyone! He requires no defense!



At 8:38 AM, Blogger Deur said...

Aint no party like a Holy Ghost party 'cause da Holy Ghost party don't stop!

I agree with your premise.

The place to teach is in the home first and foremost and I think we get too worked up over making sure prayer is in school when we may not have prayer in the home.

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Doug's Deep Thoughts....or not so deep said...

Yeah...what he said (especially the party line).

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Doug's Deep Thoughts....or not so deep said...

Yeah...what he said. Especially the party line.


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