

A few days ago, I received an email from an organization seeking to gather support for boycotting certain stores who were taking the 'X' out of Xmas. Some of the stores listed included Walmart, Lowes, Costco, Kohl's, K-mart/Sears, Target and Home Depot. Apparently, they have decided that the word Christmas is too offensive and have chosen to insert a generic term in place of it...like holiday.

I'm curious, does Christmas cease to be Christmas when a number of retailers who line their pockets with the profits from Christmas, choose to not call it Christmas?

I'm not sure if I agree with such a boycott, it sounds so vindictive. Just because a store posts the word Christmas or greets big spenders with a "Merry Christmas" doesn't mean that we have restored the meaning of Christmas. On the other hand, when retailers make decisions to honor the complaints of a small minority, wouldn't a boycott by the majority get their attention and change their policy? But then...who wins?

Merry Xmas!


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