

I often hear people discuss their future and God's will for their lives utilizing the "open doors" and "closing doors" rule. You know the rule, God opens a door and we need to be poised and ready to step through it. And on the other hand, if we're sensing a need, desire, or calling to go through a door, only to find out that it is closed (not sure how the door ended up closed or how it was opened for that matter), then that is God's way of telling us that we need to look for another way to "serve Him".

Is God's will really about the path of least resistance? Does God ever lead us to a closed door and expect some determination on our part to open the door, or perhaps, knock the door down in pursuit of a calling on our lives? Consider Moses, as he answered God's call and sought to rescue God's people from captivity in Egypt. How many doors were slammed shut along the way?

If we're called to follow Him in obedience and with reckless abandon, shouldn't we expect some "closed doors"? Perhaps, just maybe, there's a miracle behind the closed door that is keeping us from marching on God's will.

Could we be putting far too much emphasis on doing something for God, than being who God has called us to be?



At 9:43 AM, Blogger Dan said...

Sort of like when I was much younger going to Tiger Stadium. I would get there very early. If a gate was not open I would walk around the whole stadium to find a gate open to get in, because I had a ticket. Well if I know I have a ticket to God's Kingdom, I can't just stand by waiting for my gate to open, I need to keep working to find my way in.
You are correct that it is not always going to be an easy path, sometimes we may have to go up the down escalator against the popular flow of things to get where we need to be.

At 1:29 PM, Blogger KayMac said...

"It is arduous work to keep the master ambition in front. It means...not being ambitious to win souls or to establish churches or to have revivals, but being ambitious only to be 'accepted of Him'....Paul is like a musician who does not need the approval of the audience if he can catch the look of approval from his Master....I have to learn to relate everything to the master ambition, and to maintain it without any cessation. My worth to God in public is what I am in private. Is my master ambition to please Him and be acceptable to Him, or is it something less, no matter how noble?" -Oswald Chambers, MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST.


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