

Okay here we go. As the skipper of the Detroit Tigers, Mr. Leyland must do everything he possibly can do, to keep his boys loose. They are way too uptight...way too timid...and worst of all, they just are not having fun! My goodness, will someone tell these guys that they are playing in the World Series!

With just a few exceptions, these guys look like they are heading for an appointment with the IRS for an audit. C'mon, lighten up guys!

Directly above, enjoy a pic of "the boys" (3 generations worth) enduring a loss at Comerica in 2005. Tigers pitching gave up a record 26 runs in the first game of a double hitter that day. You see, I've earned the right to give a bit of advice to the Tiges! Hey, and wassup with LaRussa's shades during a rainy night game?


At 7:47 PM, Blogger Deur said...

Great pic and proof we were fans before it was cool.

PS - is it cool now?

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Dave Deur said...

The Tigers entertained us this year. They played tough ball - sometimes even - small ball. But they restored some respect for the roar. The problem: Their performance on the national stage did not measure up in light of the entire season and the playoffs leading up to the WS. I believe this season made believers out of these kids and we'll be back to win it all. I also think I have oil and gold in my backyard and I'll start digging tomorrow....


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