

Surrender is not a popular word or action. No one really wants to surrender yet most of us have done so in one way or another during the course of the last week. For instance, we may have surrendered our place in the checkout lane of the local grocery store, to a young mom. Or maybe we surrendered a $10 bill for a box of Girl Scout cookies that may be worth $2. Each of us have learned that surrendering is often good for our health.

At Erik Rees' recent Only You Can Be You seminar, he spoke of the importance of our surrender before we can move into what God's purpose if for us. He led us through an exercise of writing on a 3X5 card, that which was keeping us from moving into God's kingdom purpose for us. Each person was then asked to pin the card on the cross. It was an awesome moment! You could almost hear the chains fall off.



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