

Friday evening I surprised my favorite date by "surprising" her with an overnighter to Detroit. To enhance this special weekend event, I purchased tickets for the Friday evening Tigers and White Sox game. The Tiges lost a tight one due to a bullpen breakdown, but it was a fun game to watch with a sellout crowd. Tiger Stadium used to have obstructed view seats where a support post would limit your vision of the field of play. Comerica Park, being a new ballpark, is designed in such a way so that there are no obstructed view seats. However, we found that when you sit on an aisle in a packed stadium, your view is often limited as fans move up and down the aisles to and from concessions and the restrooms. It made for some interesting people watching moments, especially late in the game. It was great to enjoy a ballgame in April in a sweatshirt.

Tigers will beat the Red Sox for the American League pennant and prevail in the world series against the Mets. You heard it here first.


At 10:39 AM, Blogger Dan said...

I will take Bosox/Dodgers. I still miss Tiger Stadium. I have never been to Comerica and never had the urge when I have been back there. Give me a steel girder and the feel of being on top of the action as opposed to these new stadiums that I feel like I am in another zipcode watching the game. Glad you had an enjoyable game. It was a long weekend for a Yankee fan.


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