

As you may know, I had an opportunity to travel to Johannesburg, South Africa, to visit, encourage, and work with Vox United team. While I was there I was moved by the acute needs that exist in our world. I saw the ravages of HIV/AIDS in a hospice, orphaned children living in extreme poverty, and injustice all around.

The problems are real and their huge. Almost everywhere I looked, I could see basic needs being unmet – specifically for the children. My heart was broken time and again as I walked through impoverished townships like Soweto, Kliptown, Katlehong, and interacted with the residents.

Here’s the good news! There is a way for you and me to get involved in a meaningful and helpful way. Vox United has setup child partnerships with local churches in the Johannesburg area to help orphaned children receive school uniforms (necessary to attend school), school fees, and books – including a Bible in their own language.

To help a child for one year requires a one time gift of $150. The local church is committed to following up with each child and will be checking in with them regularly. You will receive the child's name, a picture, and some other information and you will be able to communicate with him or her via email.

Are you interested in joining me and partnering with a child? Visit www.voxunited.org and click “Partner Now.”

Interested in being part of a short-term team to minister in South Africa? Please contact me.

Proverbs 31: 8-9
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice."


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