Cruel And Excruciating Punishment?
The following is a quote from Gary Bauer this past week:
The U.S. Supreme Court indicated this week that it is deeply divided over a challenge to the way most states execute prisoners by lethal injection. It seems some of the justices are distressed by the procedure in which three drugs are administered in succession to knock out, paralyze and kill prisoners sentenced to death. "I’m terribly troubled by the fact that the second drug seems to cause all risk of excruciating pain," said Justice John Paul Stevens, who thinks this method of execution may violate the Constitution’s 8th Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment.
I couldn’t help notice the rich irony here. Why is it that those judges most concerned with whether or not prisoners convicted of horrible crimes like murder and serial rape feel pain during an execution always tend to be the same judges who most adamantly defend the perceived right for abortionists to perform their ghastly deed? Science has established that babies inside the womb feel excruciating pain during an abortion after 24 weeks of gestation. That pain, moreover, can be even more intense than if it were performed on a child outside the womb, because pain inhibitory mechanisms (fibers which dampen and modulate the experience of pain) do not begin to develop until 32-34 weeks of gestation. All this would be comical if it weren’t so serious.
Photo: My grandson, Willem, who was not denied the right to life, for which I am grateful!
I also Couldn't help but notice the irony Here!
Myself born to a woman with a past filled with abuse and misery, was a runaway, a sometime Hooker, and was overly trusting in the wrong people. She ended up dead in an alley (Murdered).
Yet through all this she made the decision to give her unborn child (me) a chance at life! through adoption! This was same year the supreme court said it was well within her right to just kill me.
Praise be to God That I have life today!
I'm also thankful your mom chose life.
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