We all have expectations. Some of you have optimistic expectations that things will work out and you will be able to graduate, or expectations that the new job and the larger check that comes with it, will set you up to be debt free.
We enter marriage with expectations. Some of you have experienced expectations becoming a reality, while other expectations have gone unmet.
Here's the point...I had pretty good size expectations that the Tigers would roll through their 162 game schedule and score so many runs that it wouldn't make any difference how many times the pitching staff failed. My expectation was that they would muscle their way through the playoffs and into the world series and steamroll the Arizona Diamondbacks (my favorite national league team)and bring some hardware and a new pennant to Comerica Field.
I've come to a realization that these expectations will not be met this year, and further found that it is possible to have too many great players.
I expect some will be traded or released soon. See ya Sheff and Carlos...back to third Brandon. Hello hot Mudhen prospects. These, too, are expectations.
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