

I believe part of my maturing has led me to stay away from politics as much as possible. I know there's an argument that's often heard, that being a "one issue" voter is a sign of ignorance. This bothers me, especially of late. I'm already tired of all the hype and political promises bantered about by both candidates. I'm exhausted with the whole process that leads to each party's nomination. I believe the length of the process just wears people down to the point where they become tired and apathetic. I'm tired of the attacks, the name calling, the splitting of hairs, the promises, the flip-flops, the decisions that are changed due to political expediency.

For me this election is coming down to one issue: That issue is LIFE.
Therefore, I will examine each candidate's voting record on the issue of life. I will cast my vote on that one issue. Why? Because there is nothing more important than the value we as society put on life. When an argument is made that a woman should have a right to choose what she does with her own body, I cringe. The little child that's growing inside of the mother is not part of the mother's body, but a unique and special individual who is being "knit together in the mother's womb." God knows that child and knows the mother before the foundations of the earth. See Psalm 139. The baby pictured above is 10 weeks old.

Each candidate - no matter the party - can, and often will, say whatever they want to get elected to the office of President of the United States. This year, I will not allow myself to rely on their words, but instead examine their past actions and votes, to inform my choice.

As a society, if we don't value a human life that God created, what kind of people have we become? We're more concerned about our carbon footprint, an eagle's egg, a war on terrorism... and I believe if we got the Life issue right, the rest of the other issues would fall into place as well.


At 10:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Well said!

At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keith Drury just wrote about this...in a round about way. :)



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