LIONS or LAMBS?Last week, I had the opportunity to take in my first NFL game in Phoenix, AZ. The Lions were riding high with a 6-2 record and everyone thought this game would allow them to pad their record and continue the discussion that they are for real.
Well, the Lions played miserably and lost the game. They lost it on offense, defense, special teams, and passion. My son-in-law, Eric, and I had the opportunity to sitting directly behind a couple of rabid Cardinal fans. After the first Cardinal score, one of these young guys turned to me, moved about a foot away from my face, and did a Howard Dean impression....AAAWWWWHHHHHWWWRRRRRGGGGEEE###@@@...Needless to say, it was a painful experience and I'm holding the Lions responsible for it.
Isn't it interesting what happens when our expectations are not met? We may go to someone's home for a visit, or go to a musical, a restaurant, or even a ballgame, and have certain expectations for how that experience will be positive or negative. Sometimes those expectations are met, and sometimes my expectations were way too lofty.
Here's the results (Up and/or Down)on my expectations after last weekend:
-Northwest Airlines = Up
-Phoenix traffic = Down
-NASCAR = Down
-Lions Football = Down
-Cardinal Fans = Down
-Tailgating experience before the game = Up
-University of Phoenix Stadium = Up
-Spending time with Eric = Up
-Golf = Up
That's 5 up and 4 down....the up's win.