
My friend, Roger, shared the following with me today, and I thought it would be great to share it with you.

Ask God

I asked God to take away my habit. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No. His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is learned.

I asked God to give me happiness. God said, No. I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain. God said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, No. You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life. God said, No. I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.

I asked God to help me love others, as much as He loves me. God said....Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.

I John 4:7-9 "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whover does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son, into the world tht we might live through Him."


"I actually voted for the $87 billion...before I voted against it."
Isn't politics fun?


As I've been spending time in the book of Acts, I'm reminded over and over of how simple the structure of "the new testament church" was 2,000 years ago. Overall, it's pretty simple stuff...Love God and love others - the great command, and then the great commission: Go everywhere and proclaim the gospel, teaching and baptizing people as you go. Single focus! There's so much power in that!

I tend to make things so complicated. It's time for me to re-focus and simplify.

On the book front: I just got done reading the book: Messy Spirituality by Michael Yaconelli. It's a good one.

Semper Fi!


We had great time with the church today. Taught with Gayle in the Lifemates/Family Starters Class - 6 Elements of Healthy Marriage/Family - utilizing an acronym - FAMILY. Even though son, Steve gives me a hard time on the use of acronyms, I still believe they can be helpful in remembering principles.

I love hanging out with young marrieds, in fact, I wish I could do it full-time!

Gayle and I had a great weekend...relaxing and refreshing...and I even had an opportunity to play 18 holes of golf with a friend.

One parting question from the cover of a Time magazine laying on my desk: Who owns the truth?



Who's your neighbor?

Do you know his/her name?
Do you know who or what your neighbor is living for?
Do you know if your neighbor is hurting right now?
Do you know your neighbor's struggles?
Do they know who you are...what makes you tick...what's important in your life?
If they know you, do they like what they know and see?

God has a wonderful way of intentionally and strategically placing us around people who need a touch, a word of encouragement, a helping hand, a hope for the future...

Who's your neighbor?


As I've been driving around town, I'm beginning to see many more political signs poking out of people's front yards. There are Bush/Cheney signs next door to Kerry/Edwards signs. When I thought about the nature of political signs in general, and their value in the political process, I couldn't come up with a whole lot of good reasons for their existence. Are they persuasive because they are posted throughout a neighborhood? Maybe, but I've not changed my mind because of a yard sign. I believe that signs do little more than openly identify people's political pursuasion. The sign probably says more about where an individual stands politically, than that person may feel comfortable verbally sharing with others. In other words...the sign speaks for me! It's interesting to see 3 homes in a row with a Kerry sign sandwiched by a couple of Bush signs. How does the guy in the middle feel about his neighbors in this highly charged presidential campaign? How do the Bush guys feel about him? Where is Nader in all of this? What?? It's all about identifying who we are and what we're about.

Wouldn't it be great if there were yard signs that stated "I'm a follower of Christ" or "I'm a follower of the prince of darkness"? Or maybe just - Jesus, or just Satan? Then we would know exactly where everyone was coming from, and we wouldn't have to say a word because the sign would say it all. Do you like idea?
I don't either. I believe our words and lives need to demonstrate that we are followers of Christ...not a sign. By the way...the words and actions have to line up, don't they?

During the rest of this political season, I challenge each of you to ask yourself the following questions every time you see a yard sign.

Can people around me clearly see that I have identified myself as a follower of Christ, or do they see me following after what the world has to offer? Who or what am I identifying with on a daily basis? Elections come and go. Candidates come and go. The decisions I make daily that affect eternity, are eternal.

pulling signs for my grandkids,


Today was a great day:

Taught a class of young marrieds...topic: Leaving and Cleaving
Led a Discovering Central Class made up of people new to Central and desiring to get connected.
Lunch with a bunch of young marrieds.
Extended family birthday party celebration at my mother-in-law's house.
Detroit Lions won their second straight game...Is it too early to order Super Bowl tickets?
Small group leadership meeting - taco night!
Dan Rather continues to stonewall despite the fact that every major news agency has turned on him and CBS.

I'm thankful for my awesome wife!



Gayle and I just completed another "Wedding Song" Workshop. We both share a passion for this kind of ministry - working with young couples, soon to be married and/or couples married less than 10 years. Our shared passion and desire to be involved in married couple's lives, is born out of our memory of our lack of pre-marital counseling, and our struggles during our first 10 years of marriage. In the workshop we talk about intimacy...emotional, spiritual, and physical. It never ceases to amaze me how interwined these 3 are related...kinda like spaghetti.

Speaking of spaghetti, I'm hungry...gotta go.



We took 2 of our grandkids, Autumn and Aitchie, to Craig's Cruisers tonight.
Pizza on a scale of 1-10....I'll give it a 2
Hot dogs consumed by the grandkids...2 in entirety!
Tickets scored by Autumn on the games...24
Prizes won with the awarded tickets...a set of Billy Bob teeth and 2 miniature tootsie rolls
Number of rides on the go-carts with Autumn...2
Number of races we won on the go-carts...2 Yeah Baby!
Number of times I ran down the dune hill at Tunnel Park with Aitchie...1
Number of floaters left in the hot tub by Aitchie...0 Yeah Baby!

I love spending time with those grandkids!

Current Event Comment: CBS News and Dan Rather seem to be sporting a black eye of late. The very same news anchor who has, over the years, offered commentary and advice on political scandals, is handling this one like a freshman political hack. If CBS is found to be complicit in deciminating a false story about the President of the U.S. in the middle of a presidential campaign and a war, which could have direct negative ramifications on the outcome of both...I would hate to be in their shoes. If this would be the case, it would make Watergate look like a women's retreat.

Hanging on,
Deurty Old Man


President Bush made an appearance in Holland yesterday, and for the past 5 days, there were tons of preparations made for his short visit here on a sunny Monday afternoon. An advance team of secret service and bomb squad people came in to check out the venue. The local law enforcement folks were in on the planning and preparation and all the traffic logistics. State Police snipers were positioned, manhole covers were welded shut, news media trucks were positioned to broadcast. The local Republican Party enlisted volunteers to help with a multitude of projects to prepare for the president's visit. This past weekend, people waited in line for long periods of time to get tickets to see the president (myself included). They invited friends to attend with them and even picked up tickets for their friends. There was a great spirit of excitement and anticipation.

The event itself was one of great enthusiasm. People were hollering, screaming and shouting enouragement to the president while making an all out effort to get close enough to take a clear picture or even receive a handshake from President Bush. All this for the leader of our country, the president of the United States.

This whole ordeal causes me to ask some questions: Am I reacting in similar ways in sharing the awesome privilege I have to enjoy an intimate, vibrant, growing, relationship with God of the universe, through Jesus Christ? If not, why not? Presidents come and go. Eternity is forever. What preparations am I making for Christ's return visit? Who am I inviting to be there with me? How loudly and often am I cheering for Him?



Tomorrow, is the kickoff of all fall programs. New people, new classes, new opportunities, new start. This is always an exciting time in the life of our fellowship. There often seems to be an energy boost as people step from the relaxing and refreshing days of summer, into the "lets hit it" days of the fall. Gayle and I are teaching each week in a class full of young marrieds - some without children and some with infant children. We're going to be teaching on the Secrets of a Satisfying Marriage. I think I'll buy the tape and find out what they are. What?

This fall, my hope and prayer is that our focus is on Jesus Christ, not programs. Programs are at best, useful tools to help point people to Christ. If they're not doing that...they're not worth continuing. Re-tool em or drop em - don't let them continue.

Special greetings to my daughter-in-law, Vicki Sue. I'm honored that you're reading the blog. It makes great dinner table conversation! I should blog on some of our shared experiences in Sydney. :) Slowly, but surely this blog is building a pretty good reader base. Thanks Lisa! Thanks Dan!

Deurty Old Man


Yesterday I had an opportunity to take in a Tiger doubleheader. For some reason, it felt like 4 games were played that afternoon. I attended the game with my dad, a Tiger fan all of his life, my son Steve, and daughter Lisa. It was a beautiful afternoon. What happened on the field was anything but baseball, as far as the Tigers were concerned. They gave up 26 runs on 26 hits, and their pitchers had a difficult time finding the plate and when they did, the Royals were dropping hits in all over the field. Homeplate looked like a revolving door the Cheesecake Factory during the lunch hour. One Tiger pitcher came on for his first appearance in the majors, and gave up 6 runs without registering one out. Needless to say he'll not last long in the bigs. The highlight was that we were part of history. The 26 runs scored was a record for both teams!

Our seats were right behind the Royals dugout on first base side, 7 rows up. These were the best seats I've had at a Tiger game. George Brett sat 6 rows in front of us and despite our effort to get his attention, he never bothered to turn around and say "hello."

The Tigers came back in the nightcap, scoring 8 runs and with Bonderman and Yan combining for a shutout. Note to Mike Illitch: Pitching wins games! How about getting a couple of aces?

This doubleheader had some similarities to life. Sometimes I have days where everything is falling apart around me. Nothing is going right, and no matter what I do, it just seems to get worse. Then there are days where everything falls in place. It feels like I'm riding the top of a 14 foot wave and not even getting wet! When things are going really well, it's alot easier for me to say: "God is good." But can I say that with the same enthusiasm, or even say it at all, when I hit the skids and things are falling apart? If I can't, something's wrong, because God never changes. He's good all the time no matter what my circumstances are.

Even though the Tigers stunk in the first game, they came out in the second game and played good ball. They looked like a totally different team. What it comes down to is that they didn't let the first game affect their performance in the second game.

It's important for me to do the same in my life. When things don't go as well as I wish or like and when things seem to be falling apart around me, I need to remain faithful to God. I need to remain obedient to His commands, doing what He's called me to do, and being what He's called me to be. It's always darkest before dawn.

Thanks for the lesson Tram!
Deurty Old Man


Every once in a while....okay, at least once a day...alright, quite often, I get anxious or stressed about something. It's usually something small, but stress is stress and anxiety is anxiety. I am finding the elapsed time getting shorter and shorter, between the onset of stress or anxiety, and my heart of hearts kicking in with a reminder - He's Got The Whole World In His Hands!

Gotta hit the tub,


I spent some time in a meeting this morning with a bunch of pastors, and was challenged once again in the area of discipleship. We went around the room and talked about what each church, represented in the room, was doing in the area of discipling people in their church - their context.

I learned that many of us have plans and programs, materials and sports themes, like going around the bases, or moving up the football field. Some churches have chosen numbers similar to course numbers in a college setting - 101,201,301...yadayada. It was obvious in many cases that a great deal of thought and effort went into this important aspect of the church. However, there were no tried and proven effective pathways. We were all wrestling with, and attempting to implement different forms of the same plan.

I came away convinced once again, that the best way to disciple people is in authentic community - safe places where people can belong before they believe. Places where they are encouraged to do life with others and be real with each other. Places where they are challenged and held accountable to mature in Christ. Places where they worship, learn, pray and serve others together. These communities can be 3 or more.

The bottom line is that growth and maturity in Christ best happens in community with others. Our corporate gatherings for worship each Sunday play a huge part of this and even serve as a resevoir that flows naturally into smaller ponds and pools, also known as community. We need the power of the Holy Spirit and we need each other. Being discipled and discipling others is not a program or class, it's a commitment to investing ourselves in other people's lives to mutually encourage growth and maturity in Christ.

Final thought from a a book entitled Sacred Romance by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge:
"From one religious camp we're told that what God wants is obedience, or sacrifice, or adherence to the right doctrines, or morality. Those are the answers offered by conservative churches. The more therapeutic churches suggest that no, God is after our contentment, or happiness, or self-actualization, or something else along those lines. He is concerned about all these things, of course, but they are not His primary concern. What He is after is us - our laughter, our dreams, our fears, our heart of hearts."

He wants all of you...not just what you're willing to give up at this point in time...all of you! I'm convinced that when you're truly a disciple of Jesus - a fully devoted follower of Christ - it is then and really only then, that you can effectively disciple others. Once you are one, you can help others become one.

Releasing my grip daily,


We just rolled in from Chicago. This has been a great holiday weekend....the last of the summer! Last Thursday afternoon we left for east side of the state to visit our daughter, Lisa. We hung out with her that evening and all day Friday, returning home late Friday night. On Sunday afternoon we took off for Chicago on an overnighter with our friends Jim and Sharon. We stayed downtown at the Sheraton, thanks to a great deal from Priceline. We met up with 2 young couples from Holland, on Sunday evening - enjoying a meal at the Cheesecake Factory - why can't we have a Cheesecake Factory closer to home? We also spent some time at the new Millineum Park on Michigan Avenue. If you have not yet visited this new park, it's worth the visit. We just missed seeing, the up and coming Illionois Democrat Senate candidate, Barak Obama, who was campaigning in Chicago.

I love big cities and my top four favorites in the USA are: New York, Chicago, San Diego, and Boston. There's something vibrant, exciting and alive about a big city. What's so amazing is how big cities like are so efficient in every way as they handle huge numbers of people daily and, seeminly, effortlessly.

I understand my friend, Dan Schroeck has a blog up and running! Welcome to blogging Dan! Pass on your blog address so I can link up.

Concerned about the Sunshine Boys,


I love West Michigan in the summer. Last night we spent some time with our kids and grandkids. We took a walk along the waterfront in Grand Haven on a beautiful summer evening. When I was young and walked to school uphill in blinding snowstorms....ahh, oops, wrong story. When I was young it seemed like summer's would last forever. The older I get the faster they get. The faster they get, the more crotchety I get. What a vicious cycle!

Just one question: Why in the world is a Democratic Senator speaking at the Republican Convention? Has this ever happened before? I can only imagine what this guy's life is like in the democratic cloak room, or caucus. This Zel guy is either really gutsy, or he's trying to make some changes in his life and hopes to gain some new friends in the process. One thing for sure....he's not a girly man!

Whatever happened to Dan Quayle?

"Today is the tomorrow that yesterday's leaders told us we could ignore."
