

My son-in-law, Bif, recommended another Parker Palmer book: A Hidden Wholeness. I am well into this book and learning. Thanks Bif!

Palmer's premise is based on his belief that, as individuals, we hide our true identities from each other because of a fear that our inner light will be extinguished or our inner darkness exposed. Therefore, we go through life divided. The book discusses how and why we live divided lives, and what we can integrate into our lives to work toward wholeness. Palmer forwards the idea that we all need a circle of trust (this comes in the form of a intimate small group) where barriers can be identified and broken down and removed. Palmer writes, "We arrive in this world undivided, intregal, whole. But sooner or later, we erect a wall between our inner and outer lives, trying to protect what is within us or to deceive the people around us." There are certainly consequences to living a divided life.

Journeying toward an undivided life,



The womb couldn't hold Jesus...nor could the tomb. He lives! And because He lives, we have life, and have it to the full! Our God reigns!




What makes this day good? Or better yet, who made this day good? Even though the day - Good Friday - has been named by man, the historical event that is remembered on this day has provided a way for all men to enter into eternal fellowship with the one true God, the Creator of the universe. Jesus Christ's cruel and painful death on the cross was for you, for me, for all of mankind. The bible says, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

He did this for you and me...an incomprehensible action of love. No wonder it's called Good Friday!

If you wish, you can click on this link below and read about what Jesus endured the cross.

Washed in His blood,



I recently read this book by Brennan Manning. Brennan makes an all-out effort to rally the faithful to live transformed lives for the King of kings. There's a trunkload of heart-armor piercing questions that make you want to put the book down and pickup an easy to read emergent book complete with cartoons.

Manning writes, "Clearly, discipleship is a revolutionary way of living. A life lived in simplicity for God and others is what Paul had in mind when he wrote Ephesians 4:23-24." Roughly 80 pages later, Manning writes, "Today Christianity is largely inoffensive, and this kind of religion never will transform anything...Jesus Christ offended the religious and political order of Palestine. The Christian, too, is bound to give offense, and if he or she does not, it is a bad sign - it means they cannot be very Christian."

Manning's books are always great reads.

"Give me ten men like Francis of Assisi and I will rule the world." Let me know who you think said these words.




As I mentioned in a previous post, I had the opportunity to go the movie Hotel Rwanda. Basically, all I said about the movie in that post was that the it was compelling. I am still processing what I saw and experienced, and trying to come to some kind of understanding of what actually took place in Rwanda and why it took place. I also have been searching for other answers such as, will this kind of tragedy be repeated in the same way in the future - another place - another time? Will the world continue to ignore events such as these, and stand by and watch? Difficult questions to answer, because they're really seem unanswerable, at least from my vantage point.

First of all, regarding my thoughts on the movie, I am still not certain what was fact and what was fiction or embellished fact. I call it the Michael Moore factor. Manipulate the facts and call it truth. When I view a movie like this, I am careful not to accept it outright as truth, but commit to checking reliable historical reports later.

Second, I tried to probe my memory bank from those days in the early 90's in order to determine what was going on politically in the world at that time. I do recall that in '93 our US Military was sent in to Somalia to restore some order there, and we were adversely impacted by the sight of the bodies of brave US soldiers being dragged around the streets of Mogudishu. That Mogudishu experience in itself, must have had an affect on any decisions on whether or not to engage our troops in the events immediately following that tragedy.

Are we influencing others, positively or negatively by our response or lack of response in these situations? What's the UN's role? Isn't this one of the reasons this organization was formed? As a Christian, what's my responsibility? I can continue to raise questions, because I have few answers. I felt sick and angry watching the events in Rwanda unfold on the big screen. I left the theater with a feeling of being "rung out." I left with more questions than answers.

Can the USA move in and stop every conflict and serve as the "world cop?" I think not. However, at the same time I believe we have some level of responsibility as part of the world community to exert our influence and use our resources in a way that honors life and human rights no matter where injustice is occurring. How do we pick and choose?

What say you?



Saturdays can be so relaxing! This one started with a men's Breakfast for Champions. Brian K. spoke about his experience in Sri Lanka after the tsunami. Incredible and moving. We tried to move into some application right where we live, by challenging every man to identify a current "tsunami" in a someone's life - a life they're connected with...neighbors, work associates, family members, friends, and then move into action to begin meeting needs.

We left for GR in the late morning and enjoyed a late breakfast at the Cheri Inn, one of our favorite breakfast spots. With a stomach full of a fantastic cheese omelot, we drove to Woodland Mall where I enjoyed reading Parker Palmer's book: A Hidden Wholeness, while the G woman shopped.

We then went to a movie - Hotel Rwanda. A great movie...very compelling.




This guy has grabbed my attention like a Shitsu grabbing a sock and who won't let go! Check it out and get your weekend started off on the right foot...or is it left? No matter - just check it out.





John Wesley wrote: "Give me one hundred men who fear nothing but God, who hate nothing but sin, and who know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and I will shake the world."

Wesley was/is right! Big numbers have nothing to do with God's power and His purposes in this world. Check in with Gideon (Judges 6-7) on this if you have any questions.

What would it look like to have an army of 100 men sold out to Christ and willing to die for Him? What do I believe God could accomplish through 100 such men? What do I believe God could accomplish through 50 men like Wesley describes? How about with 25 such men? What about one?




Today, March 4, is the birthdate of Lisa (aka Caleb, Billy, Billy Goat, Little Dawg) and Harrison (aka Aitchie, H-bomb, Buddy). Happy birthday to Lisa and Aitchie!

Aitchie just turned 2 and is so much fun. He's into everything and loving life, while smiling and laughing all the time.

Lisa is our youngest and I won't tell you her age, since women hate it when you do that. However, I will say that this will be her last year in the 20's! Way to go Billy! She's an awesome daughter who has really been maturing in Christ in the past year. We're so thankful for her!

We had a wild and crazy party for these two tonight...well it really wasn't wild, but in wasn't crazy. It's always great to hang with our kids and grandkids!

Dom (the dominator)



Since the month of March rolled in, we have "enjoyed" a pretty good snowfall accumulation each day! My relationship with my Toro Snowblower is really getting strained. In fact, tonight I basically told the little twirp that I wasn't going to use him/her/it again this winter. The thing bogs down in a 1" snow drift. What's up with that? I feel used.

On nights like these, I like to remember where I was two weeks ago...beautiful, warm St. Marten. No snowblowers there!



Jehovah-Jireh is one of the hyphenated names of God Almighty. It literally means "The Lord Provides." As followers of Christ we all know that God has provided a sacrifice in Jesus that reconciled us to Him. There is no greater provision. But our God doesn't stop there, He continues to provide for us each day because that's who He is. From the day Jehovah-Jireh provided a ram in the thicket for Abraham to offer as a sacrifice in place of his promised son, Isaac, giving both of them a foretaste of the coming provision of Emmanuel; until today, as God meets every need we have, while we remain obedient and in His will. In fact, we really have no right to expect the provision of God if we are not in the will of God.

Jehovah-Jireh meets our needs (not wants) exactly when they are to be met - not a minute before or after.

How is He meeting your needs today?