
This week I'm starting, once again, to go through the book: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. I'll be commenting on what I'm learning and experiencing as I read a chapter a day, with my daughter and a friend. I'm looking forward to the challenge of shaking up my normal construct of thinking again.

Enjoyed a DQ lunch with Gayle outside. This is exactly why I love summers! Food tastes better outside and in the sun...so do strawberry malts.

We enjoyed spending time with our grandkids on Monday evening. Four year old, Autumn is teaching me so many lessons about the importance of relationships and simplicity of life. Thanks Aubie! Your Poppy Seed appreciates learning from you.

What's a mandate?


Omar Bakri Muhammad is a suspected Al Qaeda terrorist who was interviewed recently in a Portuguese newspaper, Publico. Here is what he had to say about the intentional killing of civilians:

“We don’t make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents. Only between Muslims and non-believers. And the life of a non-believer has no value. There’s no sanctity in it…Terror is the
language of the 21st century. If I want something, I terrorize you to achieve it…The word ‘terrorism’ is not new among Muslims. Muhammad said: ‘I am the prophet who laughs when he’s killing the enemy.’ It is not only a question of killing. It’s laughing while we are killing.”

In Matthew 5:44, the words of Jesus Christ are recorded:
"But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."

We are living in difficult times....

Seeking wisdom,


For some reason, I get a bit concerned when this man starts expressing himself on a national platform. Of late, it seems his remarks are rooted in bitterness and anger. His remarks also tend to be very vindictive and vicious. His style tends to polarize people instead of bringing people together with vision and purpose. Vice President Gore seems to be the exact opposite of President Ronald Reagan, when it comes to communication style. One style - Reagan's - extends itself gracefully as a bridge is built to all types of people, while the other style - Gore's - tears down anything that looks like a bridge!

Is this a photo of a man expressing anger toward Osama and the terrorists that seek to kill and maim innocents or President George W. Bush? You be the judge.

Rant on............

Here's a great article on Discipleship that I recently pulled off the net...enjoy and comment.

Why did Jesus choose such average disciples?
by Caleb C. Anderson

Want to help a new generation of men and women in your church grow more and more like Christ? The key to making disciples of the next generation doesn’t lie in following the latest trend or preaching the cleverest sermons. Instead the key to discipleship in the 21st century lies in a 2,000-year-old model.

If we are going to disciple a new generation, we must teach them how to be disciples. Most Christians I know aren’t really disciples. They don’t even claim to be disciples; they claim to be Christians. Nowhere in the book of Acts did a believer claim to be Christian – as if to brand their religious movement. No – they claimed only to be disciples of the crucified and risen Jesus Christ.

That needs to be our claim today. The younger generations are desperate for raw, authentic spirituality – even if it’s more demanding. To reach them, we need to do more than deliver messages about Religion vs. Relationship; we need to model them.

The staying life of the disciple
Disciples do not discipline themselves for discipline’s sake – like an overzealous military man, or a masochist. If we discipline ourselves, it is for the sake of the Discipling One. It’s for the sake of the Great Teacher, the God-man, the Humble King, whom we follow, with whom we stay.

Too many of our churches continue to emphasize the “habits” necessary to spiritual growth as the exclusive means of growing in Christ. Prayer, Bible study, Scripture memorization, fasting, solitude and tithing are essential for growing Christians. These are foundational habits that every disciple embraces in one way, shape or form.

But they should never become an end unto themselves. Instead of listing these habits as prerequisites for discipleship, we should communicate that discipleship is fueled by ONE discipline, the discipline of staying. Once a disciple understands and begins to practice this one important discipline, the other habits will follow as paths to the ultimate goal – staying in communion with Christ.

Why did Jesus choose such average disciples?

I recently took my Jewish father-in-law to see The Passion of the Christ. When we walked out, he was fuming mad that Jesus had chosen such pathetic disciples. “Not one of them stood up for him!” Jerry exclaimed.

It’s true - Jesus’ disciples were average men, at best. Yet that was by design.

It was likely that those disciples had a good foundation of the Torah; it was not unusual for Jewish boys in their day to memorize large portions of Scripture. In their youth, they'd probably developed the habits of prayer, scripture memorization, religious dieting, etc.

But you don’t see Jesus speaking much to their Jewish regimen. You don’t see Jesus commenting much on their mastery of the Torah, or on their habits of choice. Do you know why? Jesus knew that the habits - and living life to the glory of God - were going to be the Holy Spirit’s job.

Just look at the apostles’ lives: they each left everything they had to come and follow Jesus. They stayed with Jesus all day, every day, unless he sent off them with some assignment. They didn’t do anything special during those three (or more) years. They just stayed with Jesus. That was the secret of their discipleship.

After the last supper, on their way to Gethsemane, Jesus gave his disciples explicit instructions - which they wouldn’t understand until later.

He said, "Stay joined to me, and I will stay joined to you. Just as a branch cannot produce fruit unless it stays joined to the vine, you cannot produce fruit unless you stay joined to me." (John 15:4, CEV)

Can you imagine how devastated and confused the disciples were when Jesus was taken from them that very evening and killed the very next day? “He told us to stay with him - but the show must be over. The mission must’ve been thwarted. We can’t stay with him, or abide/remain in him, if he’s not here.”

So what did the disciples do? They panicked. Without the presence of Jesus, their learning, their hope, their new way of thinking, their new perspectives on life and God were all useless. They had nothing. Even after Jesus appeared to the disciples after the resurrection for the first time in the upper room, Peter, James and John – Jesus’ main men – still didn’t understand the bigger plan, the bigger story. They went back to what they knew. They went fishing (John 21). When godly men are not staying connected to God they will slowly regress back to their old ways.

Finally, before Jesus ascended up into heaven, he looked at his disciples and said: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." (Acts 1:4-5, NIV)

Why was this instruction so critical? Have you noticed a trend with the disciples yet? Have you noticed a trend in your own life?

When the disciples are with Jesus, they have purpose. When the disciples obey Christ, they are blessed. When the disciples can communicate with him, they are content. And so when Jesus leaves, he doesn’t leave them alone. He sends his own Spirit to come and live in them and in us!

"To [the saints] God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." (Col. 1:27, NIV)

I am not the hope of glory; you are not the hope of glory; discipline is not the hope of glory. Christ in you is the hope of glory!

The living Spirit of the God of the universe, actively achieving his will in this world through the collective lives of his disciples – that’s the hope of glory. And we must dedicate our lives to allowing the Holy Spirit to have his way in us.

Living our lives according to the five purposes of God is going to continue to be the key to the church’s effectiveness in the next generation (the biblical purposes of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and missions). Communicating those purposes in the simplest, clearest, most fundamental and relevant ways is going to be the key to a leader's effectiveness in the next generation.

As for the purpose of discipleship, it is a one-discipline purpose - staying connected to Christ through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Make people passionate about that – about the power that resides inside of every saint – then teach them the value of the ancient habits that aid in staying connected.


While reading in Mark 14 today, I came across verse 24: "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many..."

Christ is saying this during the last supper with his disciples. His blood has not yet been shed, but within a matter of hours, it will be. His humiliation, pain, and suffering, along with His blood was the price He paid for me.

I was reading an article recently that referred to a certain group of people as "vampire Christians". The writer was referring to people who accept the blood and the grace freely extended by Christ, but really do little for Him. Their attitude and actions are communicating, "It's a one way street and it's all about me!" With this attitude we soon become "drainers" - draining resources and time in the church, while accomplishing little to build His Kingdom on earth. I believe we've all been there at times...maybe even recently?

It's necessary to break thru this deception daily, in the power of the Holy Spirit. "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." James 2:26

putting down the vampire,


I'm beginning to hear more and more about the Federal Marriage Amendment, and the importance of its passage, and rightfully so.

The Bible - God's Word - speaks very clearly about marriage and that in itself makes this a clearly defined issue for a person who holds the Bible to be the true Word of God. Marriage was created by God and ordained by God for man and woman. However, we now find men and women, with the court's blessing, attempting to change what God created and ordained to meet their self-focused desires. When you read through the Old Testament, you see a history of that and the results. History does indeed repeat itself.

When men and women who are living apart from God and left to their own designs and desires, we will continually see a weakening of the very institutions that God put in place for our good and benefit, and for His glory.

So, if you agree that something must be done to stop this downward spiral, what do you do about it? Bury your head in the sand and pray that Jesus returns soon? Write an e-mail or a letter? Make a phone call?

We must do something, since we're called to be salt and light in the world. I believe at a minimum, a phone call to your two Senators is a must. Do it today. I am.

I also believe that we can impact our culture one person at a time if we're faithful to God's Word, stand on it's truth, and be winsome in our communication with those who don't hold to the same truth and understanding. We're asked to be faithful in presenting God's truth, leaving the results to Him.

Striving to be faithful,


I've recently conducted an informal, unscientific survey about how a man wants to be loved by his wife. This was done for a talk I'm doing on Sunday, Father's Day, in our class - the Family Room.

The title of the the talk is: Five Ways To Love Your Husband
Here they are:

1. Faithfulness to God - If my wife is faithful to God - growing and maturing in Christ, I am confidence that she will be faithful to me, and be the kind of wife God has called her to be. There is no greater way for her to show her love for me than to love God above all.
2. Respect and Value - Men want to be respected and God commands it (Eph. 5:33). Men also desire to be valued. They want to feel like their wife is crazy about them. Interestingly, when they sense that, they will probably do anything for their spouse!
3. Practical Kindnesses - These are those little things that are often unexpected surprises. Doing things around the house that are normally his responsibilities, allowing him to do "his thing" with friends without making him feel guilty about it. This also means that a husband loves it when his wife plans a date or a weekend away. Interestingly, wives desire their husbands to do the same!
4. Time Together - This is just hang-out time - companionship -usually doing something you both enjoy. If you have not identified something the two of you can enjoy together...find it and schedule it. Men need companionship (Gen. 2 - "it is not good for man to be alone.") Take interest in what your husband is interested in and talk to him about it.
5. Intimacy - Sex - I saved the best for last! What? God designed and created sex. He loves it. Remember, everything God loves, the enemy hates. A healthy sexual relationship within marriage makes a huge positive difference in the marriage. It can also become an area of the marriage were anger and bitterness can develop. Usually you will find that the partner who desires sex the least, has the control in marriage. This is certainly not the way God designed it.
Happy Fathers Day!


The Pistons Win!

Hardwork defeats laziness.
Focused effort defeats overconfidence.
Desire defeats entitlement.
Pistons defeat Lakers.
Nuf said...

Hats off to Rip, Big Shot, Ben, Sheed, Tayshaun, Memo, Big Nasty, Lyndsey, Elden, Mikie, Darvan, and The Human Victory Cigar, and of course LB. Thanks for a great season! You guys look like champs, act like champs, and play like champs! Keep it up.

Just a note to Joe and the Piston Management...Cut your losses and peddle Darko as early as possible. This kid gets a chance to play in the closing minutes of biggest game of his career and acts like he's walking into a Walmart to buy some new ear-rings! What's up with this? No intensity and no desire. Darko doesn't have what it takes for the Piston style of basketball. Maybe the Lakers would be interested?



What exactly does that word mean?

The dictionary says that surrender means "to give up control or possession of to another on demand or under compulsion. To give (oneself) over, as to an emotion: yield."

Sounds exciting doesn't it? Who of us wants to give up control or possession of something or someone? Isn't that asking a bit too much? I mean, after all, I do deserve some things don't I?

Jesus Christ asks those who desire to follow Him, to surrender to him daily. Remember, we are to deny (surrender) ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus (surrender).

This morning I was reading Mark 12, at the very end of this chapter. Jesus is sitting in the temple observing people as they throw (shouldn't they place?) their offering - large amounts - into the temple treasury. Wouldn't that be just a little intimidating?

Jesus then spots a poor widow approaching to give her offering. She drops (notice she didn't throw) in two very small coins, worth less than a penny, and Jesus then uses the moment to instruct His disciples. He tells them this widow put more into the treasury than all the others, because she gave out of her poverty, while the others gave out of their wealth. This is only possible in God's economy.

What a great picture of surrender. As I stand impoverished, poor, and bankrupt before God Almighty and give the little bit that I have, which by the way isn't worth a penny. But yet surrendering it all without concern for the future -leaving nothing - zero - zip - nada. That's trust. That's surrender. That's worship. That's impossible without the power of God through the Holy Spirit.

How can I understand this level of surrender so that I can consistently live there?

Why do I trust people I've never met and things I've only read about, more than I trust the Creator of the universe?
I like to keep my "death grip" on just enough to make me feel comfortable and in charge. Yet, God wants all of me...not half...not 99%...all.

I'm committing today to learn about this "poor widow's level of surrender" and then putting that level of trust in God in practice today and beyond.

Striving to release my grip on stuff,


In my formative years I learned that a good spanking did a couple of things:
1. First, a spanking gave me perspective. I was not in charge...there was another "authority" in my life. Truly a humbling experience.
2. The spanking usually hurt physically and emotionally, but interestingly enough, only for a short period of time. When spanked in anger, the hurt lasted longer. ;)
3. My offense, and the resulting spanking, was permanently ingrained in my brain and served to correct my future misbehavior. Think about it, does a normal kid enjoy a good, loving spanking so much that he'll do anything he can to get another?

Bottomline, I believe that a well-postioned spanking in the life of a child serves an important purpose. Someone once said, "If God didn't want us to spank our children, He wouldn't have given us hands!" What?

Hey, speaking of spankings, what about the NBA finals? If you were able to watch the game last night, you were treated to a real spanking! The Pistons delivered a spanking that the Lakers will not soon forget.

The Lakers seem to be a team of spoiled brats that needed a good spanking months ago, but obviously no one really cared enough to give them one. Hence, their behavior was not corrected and the result is showing in the playoffs.

I admire the Piston's professionalism. They are not complaining about injuries. They are not complaining about lucky shots. They are not complaining about the media's love affair with the Lakers. They simply prepare for the game, work hard during the game, take what the other team gives them, respect their opponent, and let what happens on the court speak for itself!

Al Michaels and the boys continue to find ways to "dis" the Pistons and point out that the Lakers are not playing well...or they're dealing with injuries...or they play better when their back is to the wall...yada yada. The media has been ga ga over Phil Jackson and the Lakers and "showtime" all season. Thay are classic enablers.

There's a real difference between a good spanking and a "timeout", right Kobe?

Spanked and better for it,


With the passing of former President Ronald Wilson Reagan, I thought I would include 2 great quotes from this great leader. It's very interesting to see how great leaders are so very dependant upon God as they lead. This was certainly true of President Reagan.

On the Soviet Union he said:

“Yes, let us pray for the salvation of all of those who live in that totalitarian darkness -- pray they will discover the joy of knowing God. But until they do, let us be aware that while they preach the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man, and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on earth, they are the focus of evil in the modern world.”

He then added why he was convinced we would prevail:

“I believe we shall rise to the challenge. I believe that communism is another sad, bizarre chapter in human history whose last pages even now are being written. I believe this because the source of our strength in the quest for human freedom is not material, but spiritual. And because it knows no limitation, it must terrify and ultimately triumph over those who would enslave their fellow man. For in the words of Isaiah: ‘He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increased strength … But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary …’”



We just returned from a great week of vacation in the sunny and extremely hot and muggy gulf coast of Alabama. I spent alot of time on the beach and in the ocean. I took a pounding on the beach - from the sun, and in the ocean - from the waves. We had 4 days of great surf - perfect for body surfing - and I enjoyed it thoroughly. There were a couple of times that I experienced the "washing machine" effect from the surf - commonly known as Maytags.

Now I'm back in the pocket getting caught up and trying to figure out how 7 days can go by so quickly. I realize, though, that I'll never get a handle on that.

On Saturday, when we boarded the plane in Mobile, Alabama, one of Northwest's ground crew members stuck his head in our plane just before departure and announced that President Ronald Reagan had just passed away.

I was saddened but this news didn't take me by surprise, since earlier reports were saying he was going downhill quickly. The book I was reading during the week was a biography of Ronald Reagan entitled Ronald Reagan - When Character Was King. Surreal.
The books is a great read with some outstanding insights into the life and times of this great leader in our nation's history. I'm so impressed by this man's integrity and his positive spirit. We were blessed by his service to our country.

Gotta roll,