
This past Friday our family celebrated dad's 90th birthday. Over the weekend I spent some time thinking about what being 90 would feel like. Aside from a few more stiff joints, soreness, and not as much stamina, what would it be like to be looking backward 90 years from that vantage point. It's not like you have a big and exciting future ahead of you! I don't believe a ninety year old makes big longterm plans, or dreams about the next big vacation or career choices. I imagine that when you're 90, your mindset is to live one day a time...thankful for each day you're given, and knowing that each day could very well be your last.

I need to live like I'm ninety!

Today we celebrated my grand-daughter's birthday. Autumn turns 5 tomorrow, August 30. In fact, she starts school this week. (Just a side note here - Autumn is still unable to ride a two-wheel bicycle without training wheels...nor can she swim...and she's five! Can you believe it? Check in with her dad on this.) Today I watched Autumn enjoy "her day". She seemed to be so excited and happy about all the little things. She also seemed to enjoy all the people around her and celebrating with her. She was so accepting of each and everyone that happened to be enjoying the day with her. Autumn didn't seem to have a care in the world, but just enjoyed the day for what it was.

I need to live like I'm five!

Deurty Old Man


Today my dad is celebrating his 90th birthday. Ninety years old and still going strong. He drives, plays pool and shuffleboard, tries to walk a mile a day. He feels good and looks even better. Happy Birthday Dad! I appreciate you and love you, even though you're a died in the wool democrat!
Deurty Old Man

I put something together as a reminder to our entire staff regarding the beginning of the Fall season. Sometimes we seem to get so caught up in "ministry" we forget the people, especially those who are "checking church out." Enough said...

The beginning of the Fall season often brings with it many first time guests.

Here's the top 10 ways to continue to make Central a "Guest Friendly Place":

10. On Sundays, park away from the building and leave the best spots for others.

9. Be sensitive and intentional about seeking opportunities to welcome new people, and when appropriate, help them take "next steps" (Guest Reception, Community Groups, etc)

8. Become informed about what's going on at Central, so you can assist.

7. Remember, you can interact with those in your ministry area all week long, Sunday's are the best time to meet NEW people. A healthy balance is important.

6. Set a goal to bring someone to the Guest Reception Area every Sunday.

5. Use breath mints and deodorant

4. When you meet people, ask questions, instead of telling them stuff they don't need to, or want to, know.

3. Set a goal to invite someone to attend Discoverying Central every week.

2. Smile Constantly

1. Pray for opportunities to meet and encourage others each Sunday


The eyes have it!
I went back to the eye doc this afternoon and asked more questions about having laser surgery done to correct the vision in one eye. That would allow me to read with one and use the other to gaze in the distance.

What I'm finding out is that I'm giving up a little clarity both ways. This is a bit frustrating. I don't see fine print clearly and really have to strain to read. I don't see Jeff Moore in the distance clearly either. It's a classic compromise for the pleasure of not wearing glasses. This is going to be a tough choice.

There is something to learn about all this, however, and it's all about compromise. When I compromise spiritually, I end up losing clarity of vision as well. Things tend to get cloudy or even downright murky at times. Prescription glasses or contacts bring clarity just like God's Word and the Holy Spirit bring clarity, direction, and purpose. The problem is that I sometimes seem way too content to live in a compromising world. Being content can often lead to being satisfied with "good enough". I sure don't want to live there.

Deurty Old Man


Today the Watermark Ministry Team hung out and our house for a planning day. It's really exciting to see how God is using these guys and all Watermarkers to make inroads presenting and living the message of Christ in Grand Haven.

There is something about church planting that appeals to me. Maybe it's being able to just hang out for meetings at my house! There's something fresh and exciting about starting something from the ground up and seeing that vision become reality. I also believe that a church plant allows you to be very fluid - tweaking, changing, and staying relevant to the current reality. Quick decisions and quicker implementation...very appealing. The ace kicker, however, is that church plants are very attractive to people who desire to connect with God for the first time, or reconnect after a hiatus. That's refreshing. A church plant, like all churches, has a compelling responsibility to point others to Christ. The difference is that the church plants often have many more opportunities to do this than an established church. Go planters! Be the church!

Great sunset tonight!

Deurty Old Man


That's the way everything seems to be since my visit to the eye doctor yesterday. He put a contact in one eye to help me experience what life would be like if I had laser surgery correcting the vision of one eye. Here's the scheme - you use one eye for reading and one for distance. How does my brain figure that out? It doesn't...and that's why things are blurry. My doctor told me that it may take a day to two to adjust...we'll see. Some of the side effects have included dizziness and blurriness. Since most helpful medication and medical advice I've been given, causes side effects like headaches, nausea, ringing ears, itchy skin, vomiting, confusion, impotence, and diarrhea, I was naturally concerned about my body reaction to this disposal contact lens. I am grateful that it has not yet caused diarrhea.

Favorite Olympic moments: 1. Paul Hamm's explanation of why he deserved the gold. It must be the tights. 2. The cocky Russian Diva's miscue on the uneven parallel bars, and immediate departure from the gym. 3. Carly performing. 4. Matt Lauer's intense and penetrating interviewing skills - c'mon Matt, lighten up.

Wishing I was young and really knew the truth,
Deurty Old Man


What in the world is the measure of a man? Do you run the tape vertically to get his height? Or, do you run the tape around his mid-section to get an idea about his girth? How about the inseam?

The measure of a man is determined by his integrity, his faith, his heart, and his purity. It is also determined by how he serves.

What's your measure?
Deurty Old Man


Just the other day, I had an opportunity to sit outside for a while. I was reminded that day how much a good size cloud could alter the air temperature drastically. One minute I was sitting in the warmth of the sun with beads of persperation forming on my large forehead and chest :), and the next moment I was looking to put my shirt back on because of the cooling temperature caused by a large passing cloud. That day, I removed my shirt and put it back on repeatedly to compensate for the drastic change in temperature.

So what? This experience kind of reminded me of my spiritual life. Hot one moment and cool the next. I really enjoy the "hot times" and it always seems that I'm never really ready or prepared for the cool times. In fact, the cool times always seems to catch me off guard and hit me by surprise. Sitting out doors on a partly cloudy day, provides me with little control over the temperature changes due to the passing clouds. I'm forced to react to what the clouds are doing. On the other hand, when I hit a "cloudy time" spiritually, it's usually because my position and proximity to Christ has changed...not because He moved, but because I did.

My desire, of course, is to remain in the heat of the Son. At the same time, I recognize how life's circumstances can bring in some clouds that momentarily block the sun's heat and the warmth. Those times help to remind me of the importance of staying close to Christ, and realizing that the Son is still there. Clouds come and go but the sun remains. My circumstances change, but His presence remains. He is faithful.

Thankful for deodorant,
Deurty Old Man


This week Gayle and I jumped a train in Michigan City and stayed two nights in Chicago. We had a great time enjoying the city, the new Millinium Park on Michigan Ave (awesome), and Navy Pier. We stayed on the north end of Michigan, just a block from the Hancock Center. Chicago is a great place for people watching. We had a field day! Chicago gives both of us a chance to unwind, relax and recharge our batteries.

I've got a goatee going and I'll try to attach a recent picture to this entry. Why do people seem to tie growing a beard to deer hunting??

I've been enjoying the Olympics but I'm still trying to figure out why we didn't send the entire Detroit Pistons team, with the exception of Darko, to represent us in basketball. It would be a cakewalk.

Better is one day in a swift boat,
Deurty Old Man


God Speaking Through My Surroundings - Entry 2

Vacationing in Northern Michigan on a small lake affords many opportunities to rest and recreate. I found it very enjoyable sitting outside, in front of the cottage where we were staying, and just spending a quiet time with God. It's truly amazing what He teaches me and reminds me of, when I take the time to be quiet and listen. The following is an excerpt of one of these quiet times:

It is very still early this morning and as I look out over the water today, I'm impressed by how glass-like the lake appears. Around the shoreline, it looks like a mirror reflecting all the trees that are growing around the lake. I have found that if I look at spot in the lake where the reflection of the surroundings is extra clear, it is very difficult to tell where the reflection ends and the real thing begins. Unreal!

God is reminding me today, through this clear imagery, of His desire for me to reflect Him today and every day. When people see me, they should be able to see Christ. Reflecting on this for any length of time can become overwhelming...how can I, a lame sinner, reflect the Creator of the Universe - the Perfect One? Another mystery.

However, I don't have to worry or stress about it. Just like the trees along the lake have absolutely nothing to do with casting a reflection, other than growing next to the lake, so it is with me. All I have to do is stay next to the Savior. When I'm close to Him, being nourished by Him, and obedient to Him - all in the power of the Holy Spirit - I am a reflection of Christ - imperfect, but yet a reflection. He does the work. (Phil. 1:6)

Who, or what are you reflecting?

A broken mirror,
Deurty Old Man


Last week I was on vacation. We had a great time with the family - just hanging out and relaxing. During the week I recorded some thoughts in my journal and over the next few days I will be sharing those thoughts with you. It never ceases to amaze me that God meets with me in an awesome way IF I just take the time to rest and listen in His presence!

God Speaks Through My Surroundings - Entry 1

Today it's sunny and the forecast says it will be warm, but there's a strong breeze right now that is keeping the temperature cool. The lake glistens as the wind roughs it up a bit, but in the areas where trees provide protection from the wind, the water is like glass.

As I stare out at this scene, I'm reminded of how I like to live in the place of calm. I believe most people do! What do I benefit from living in such a place? My faith remains unchallenged and as a result gains absolutely no strength. I become very comfortable and content and this just leads to a continuing desire to remain in the calm. I then find myself praying daily for protection and safety and smooth sailing. A phrase the crops up frequently in prayer is: "Build a hedge of protection around me." Sounds like calm waters to me!

Wouldn't it be more appropriate for me to pray: Lord, stretch my faith as You push me out of my comfort zone today. Strengthen me as I leave the calm waters and safety of this place and go out into the rougher waters of the world. Lord, I can't do this on my own, I need your help.
Lord, without You, I can do nothing.

We are encouraged by Christ to be in the world but not of the world (see John 17). When we stay in a place of safety...when we stay in quiet waters...we're unable to fully realize the power of God in our lives. It's only when we venture out in faith that we can experience His strength; His power; His grace. And that will happen sometimes right smack dab in the middle of a storm!

Body surfing,
Deurty Old Man