

On Wednesday evening at 9:00pm, G-force and I returned to the "pocket," after 14 days in Kiev, Ukraine. It was an incredible experience for all 13 members of our team as we led a 3 day marriage conference and then assisted their leaders during a week-long camp experience for middle school age kids. So many stories...coming to this blog soon.

This was my first trip to Kiev since my visit in 1993, along with a team of teens, including my daughter L.L. Cool Deur. It was great re-connecting with some of the teens we hung out with in 1993. They are now married and have children and remember well our time with them. Many of them are involved in ministry. We spent time with our sister church - Transformation Church - and as we sought to encourage them, we were encouraged!

Enjoying my own bed...



What price can you put on the freedoms we enjoy in this country? Where else in the world can you go and have every opportunity to be all that God has created you to be...all without hindrance? Where can a simple farm boy who loved playing the piano, grow up and become president of the greatest country on earth? Where else in the world do you have the freedom to say absolutely anything you want about the country, the president, or congress...all without impunity? Where else would you find men and women who are willing to die for that freedom to keep it?

Only in America!



True or False....Are the Pistons that bad? Or, are the Cadaveliers that good? Or, is the correct answer - It depends.

The boys from Detroit lost 4 in a row to lose the East Conference finals for the second time in two years, this time to a team that seemed to sneak up on them. The Pistons don't seem to respect the ability of most NBA teams and it gets them in trouble.

So what's next? I like Flip Saunders but I think he will be moving on. If the Pistons are going to retain Sheed and Webber, they must have a coach who is a consistent encourager and disciplinarian. Someone who will sit Sheed down before he erupts, or runs him to the locker room when he erupts. His explosions hurt this team more than his passion helps. The Pistons also need a coach who realizes the importance of a strong bench where those coming off the bench clearly understand their roles. Once again the Pistons used their bench throughout the year and playoffs, to give their starters a break instead of to bring energy and a different offensive and defensive look to the game.

Bottom line: Dumars will flip Flip.



New York City on a hot summer day is a thing to behold. Subway platforms are hot, some subway cars are not air conditioned, tempers often run short and testosterone starts flowing in abundance. It's seemingly impossible to escape the steady noise of the street.

But then as you step into Central Park (sometimes referred to as Grand Park), everything changes. The noise subsides, people are relaxed, shade and water are plentiful, great scenery abounds....

On one side of the street, people are moving 100 mph and just 100 feet into the park, you experience a pastoral setting. Summer in the greatest city in America.