The G-woman and I have never made a big deal about our anniversaries over the course of our marriage. We have not planned or scheduled special celebration cruises, a trip to Hawaii, or even big events to help us celebrate marriage miletones. Those things are great to do...but making such plans are just not who we are.
This past week, my best friend and first wife, and I, celebrated 39 years of marriage. We enjoyed the day working and then met Steve and Vicki, along with Aubs, Aitchie, and Mr. Will for a Great Lakes (G & L) hot dog in Grand Haven. Now that's our style. We are blessed to have 3 wonderful children and 3 great son's and daughter-in-law...along with 5 healthy and full-of-life and fun, grandchildren. Every day is a celebration when we can spend time with them!
Many of you have been asking us for the secret to be happily married for 39 years...well, okay, nobody has really asked but I'll bet you're all wondering...
The secret?
Enjoying each other fully each day, not taking ourselves seriously, laughing together, building in regular times to do what we love to do, and verbally "choosing" each other each and every day. That all adds up to love and respect. The picture at the top of this posting was taken 4 years into our marriage. Thirty-five years later, we're continuing to experience even more joy and more fun. We're thankful!