Perseverance is one of a number of words that could be used to describe a man by the name of William Wilberforce. Yesterday, I took in the movie that chronicled Wilberforce's effort to end slave trade and bring about the emancipation of all slaves: Amazing Grace. It was an outstanding movie that depicted well, the battle between good and evil. Since money was a driving force behind the slave trade, it was not surprising to hear one of the members of parliament (MP's) misquote the bible by saying: "Money is the root of all evil." There was one critical word left out of that quote and it was, and still is: "Love of money is the root of all evil." William Wilberforce understood what love was, and he understood that love of God and love of man is a command given to each of us by God. Wilberforce also understood that slavery didn't jive with that command, therefore he spent 46 years of his life in a battle - often lonely and discouraging - to end the slave trade and free the slaves completely. That's perseverance...that's passion. He faced incredible opposition but continued on with a purpose and a plan. His life is an inspiration to me and countless others! Amazing Grace.
Make sure you take the time to see this movie soon!