Here's some great accountability questions for spiritual growth...just in case you're interested or looking:
1. How have you grown closer to Christ in the past week?
2. What has God revealed to you during that time? About Himself? About you?
3. What do you have in your life that's keeping you from a growing and maturing in Christ? In other words, what needs to go? What are you doing about it?
4. If you're married: What have you done in the last week to show your wife/husband that you value her/him?
5. If others follow you, at the end of a day, will they end up closer or further away from Christ?
How do you react when you hear the word accountability? Are you apathetic, fearful, convicted, excited, worried? Why?
I have found that without someone holding me accountable, it is extremely hard for me to make any meaningful progress in my journey with Christ. How about you? What's keeping you from taking the plunge? Do you need a new glove?
One more thing - there's a great little book I'd like to recommend: Let Your Life Speak - Listening for the Voice of Vocation by Parker J. Palmer.