

My 2 1/2 year old grandson, Harrison (Aitchie), loves to play basketball. He can easily spend an hour at a time tossing the ball toward the hoop from every angle. Every so often the ball will go through the hoop but interestingly, he really doesn't take the time to celebrate. He simply picks up the ball again and fires it toward the basket. Most of the time, after Harrison misses a shot, he'll simply say: "Almost", then pickup the ball and shoot it again....and again.

Almost. I'm wondering how many times I find myself saying under my breath: "Almost"? For instance: "I'm giving almost my best," or "I've surrendered almost my entire life." Or how about, "I'm almost always on time." Amazingly, God doesn't love me any less because of my almosts any more than I love Harrison any less when he almost makes a basket.

Almost...there seems to be way too many of them my life. But just like with little Harrison's shooting ability, continued practice will reduce these almosts.

"He {God) sees the depths of my heart, and loves me the same."




As the professional football season began this year, I made a decison that I was going to break free from the grip of 40+ years of watching the Detroit Lions self-destruct more ways than there are people being blamed for Katrina's devastation. Plain and simple, I was addicted to Lions football. I was so far gone that I began taping games when I was unable to watch them on a given Sunday. I wanted so badly to be there, as a loyal fan, when they turned the corner and started winning. I detest fair weather fans. Now I'm not so sure what's worse - a fair weather fan, or a fan that is suckered into defending and cheering for a team that is incapable of winning. Two weeks into the season, despite my best efforts to live Lion-free, I lapsed. I was sucked into their scheme. It's over! Seeya Lions. I'm buying a good novel.




In the church world, September means Fall startup. It means the fun and relaxing summer days are reluctantly giving way to schedules, tasks, and implementation of the plan that was set during the summer. I love summer in Michigan, and this one has been one of the best in my short memory. In the Fall, most flowers and all leaves stop growing and in the case of leaves, start dropping. In nature, Fall ushers in the end of life that was birthed in the spring. In the church world, Fall ushers in the beginning of life. No wonder I like Fall.

The Lions finally scratched and clawed their way to a victory over their nemesis, the Green Bay Packers. Way to go Joe(y)!



According the Webster, blame is: to hold (someone or something) at fault. To find fault with: censure. Responsibility for a fault or error...

According to Dibs, blame is: finger-pointing, and shirking of personal responsibility.

Since Katrina, a category 5 hurricane, hit Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama with full force, there has been plenty of blame to go around. Fingers are being pointed in every direction possible. I guarantee that no one, absolutely no one, is going to stand in front of a news camera and say: "I messed up, it's my fault." And why should they? How can blame be directed toward one person for something of this magnitude, or for even events on a smaller scale? Case in point, let's look at the first couple. No, not George and Barbara, but Adam and Eve. After eating of the tree that God has specifically commanded them not to eat from, they were confronted by God.
God to Adam: "Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"
Adam: "The woman YOU (caps mine) put here with me - she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate."
God to Eve: "What is this you have done?"
Eve: The serpent deceived me, and I ate."

So who's to blame in this scenario from the book of Genesis?
1. Is it God, because He gave Eve to Adam?
2. Is it the woman, because she started it all?
3. Is it man because he wasn't strong enough to say: "No thank-you"
or is it...
4. The tree, for producing the fruit in the first place?

As you watch the news media in the days ahead, listen to how they phrase their questions and lead their interviewee. Watch the politicians - all of them - point to everyone and every place except themselves...all the while exploiting those who are hurt by this tragedy, for political gain.

So who's to blame for what has happened as a result of Katrina's fury?
Better yet, does it really matter right now? Wouldn't it make far more sense to direct our efforts toward the relief of the pain, grief, loss, and confusion of the victims?

Who's to blame when your marriage is beginning to really suck? Who's to blame when your poor financial choices have buried you in debt beyond your eyeballs? Who's to blame when you don't believe God really cares, or if He seems distant?

Plenty to go around,



My best friend, Jim, recently was diagnosed with ALS - Lou Gehrig's Disease. There's currently no cure for this disease and it leads to death. I'm watching him closely and learning alot about life as he walks this journey with uncommon courage, grace and strength. I will share more about this journey in the future and the impact it has had on my perspective of life.

Things and circumstances that would undoubtedly get my attention and raise my ire, no longer grab me the same way. I am beginning to look at things through a different lens. I am seeing and understanding the fragility of life - it's really just a short span - and how short-sighted I am when I get caught up and worked up about things of very little significance. I am responding to what happens to me and around me, in the course of a day, very differently than I did just a few months ago.

It's interesting what the future looks like with the end in sight...