
A few days ago, I finished reading Donald Miller's book - Blue Like Jazz. Once I got into this book, it was difficult to put down. Miller gives us a peek into his life as he wrestles with Christianity and "works out his salvation." It's interesting because it's real - real people, real thoughts, real questions. As he discusses topics like: Grace, Faith, Community, Love, Romance, and Redemption - often in a seemingly irreverent way, he raises some great thought provoking questions.

A couple of my favorite quotes from the book:
"I love to give charity, but I don't want to be charity. This is why I have so much trouble with grace....I'm too prideful to accept the grace of God. It isn't that I want to earn my own way to give something to God, it's that I want to earn my own way so I won't be a charity."

"God woos us with kindness, He changes our character with the passion of His love."

"If we are not willing to wake up in the morning and die to ourselves, perhaps we should ask ourselves whether or not we are really following Jesus."

Living in community made me realize one of my faults: I was addicted to myself. All I thought about was myself. The only thing I really cared about was myself. I discovered that my mind is like radio that picks up one station, the one that plays me: KDON, all Don, all the time."

This book is a good read and I recommend it to those who think they have Christianity all figured out, as well as those who are on the journey of working their salvation out.

Working on figuring it out,


Over the past number of years, I have been involved in teaching Rick Warren's SHAPE material For those of you who may not be familiar with this material, SHAPE is an acronym. The 'S' is for Spiritual Gifts; the 'H' is the Heart; the 'A' is all about Abilities; the 'P' takes a peek at your Personality; and finally the 'E' examines your Experiences. These five qualities or characteristics show how God has uniquely shaped you for His Kingdom work. Your unique shape is kind of like your spiritual DNA.

I believe with all my heart that if you can get a strangle hold on your Spiritual Gifts and what your Heart/Passion is, you are well on the way toward faithful, fruitful, and fulfilling ministry, while God is made famous!

One of the more probing questions that I ask individuals in a one-on-one consultation session at the conclusion of the workshop is: "If money, time, education, and family were not a factor, and you knew you would not fail, what would you do with your life?" In my experience in performing many of these consultations over the years, I have found that the older people become, the more difficult it is to come up with a real answer to that question. Of course there are exceptions.

However, when someone takes the time to really think about that question, and then gives an answer, I will often follow that answer up with another question: "What's preventing you from doing that right now?" The sad thing about this question, is that people often find that they have fallen into a life rut, and that rut has grown somewhat comfortable. They continually tell themselves that their dreams are no longer within reach. They magnify their limitations and minimize their strengths - their God-given gifts, abilities and passion. Tragic.

A fresh new year is just days away. During the next few days, I challenge each of you to ask yourself the same question: "If money, time, education, or family were not a factor, what would I do with my life?" After giving some thought to this, and then basing your reply on your Spiritual Gifts (if you have identified them), your abilities, and your past experiences, write down your answer. Then ask the next question: "What's keeping me from moving in that direction?" Maybe this new year will be one in which you begin taking steps into a dream and a purpose that God has been patiently waiting for you to step into.

Shaped for Him,


The day after Christmas.
Letdown or afterglow?

I remember my mom would go through a time of mild depression in the days immediately following Christmas and New Years Day holidays. She loved to be around people 24/7 and the holidays gave her an opportunity to come close to fulfilling that dream! Even though she knew that this wonderful time of dinner and conversation with family and friends could not, and would not continue, it was still rough facing the dreaded "day after".

I wonder what the "day after" was like for Mary and Joseph as they held their newborn child and found themselves all alone again in a stinky stable. The shepherds had come and gone. The family members of Mary and Joseph who were also in Bethlehem, were obviously not paying any attention to them. They had to feel so alone, with so many questions.

The "day after", quite naturally can be a letdown, but it affords us an opportunity to reflect on what's important in our lives. It can also remind us of who's important to us. This year, why not make a "day after" list of what you're thankful for and who you're thankful for?

Everyway everyday,


"God gave us His own Son. Can we not trust such a God to give us, with him, everything else that we can need?" (Romans 8:32 (J.B. Phillips)
May you rest in God's favor, this day and always!

My favorite Christmas song is: Mary Did You Know? Buddy Green/Mark Lowry

Here's the lyrics....don't worry, I won't sing it for you!

Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Did you know
That your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
That your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you’ve delivered
Will soon deliver you
Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Did you know
That your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know
That your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little boy
You’ve kissed the face of God
Mary, did you know?
The blind will see
The deaf will hear
And the dead will live again
The lame will leapThe dumb will speak
The praises of the lambMary, did you know
That your baby boy is lord of all creation?
Did you know
That your baby boy will one day rules the nations?
Did you know
That your baby boy is heaven’s perfect lamb?
This sleeping child you’re holding
Is the great I am



Last night we had our annual Christmas celebration with Gayle's side of the family, and because of the number of people in attendance and other considerations, we moved the venue. We met at the Township Community Hall, affectionately known as "the hall." This facility was made famous in the 1980's since it is the basketball court where Deurty honed his skills on the hardwood. As soon as I walked up the steps and stepped onto the basketball last night, it brought back a boatload of memories from the past - good memories. This famous court continues to be used for rollerskating also. At one time, there was a rumor floating around that the idea for Roller Derby was birthed here.

Last night, a bunch of us laced up our rollerskates and rolled around "the hall" to some popular tunes from the 60's and 70's. A trip back in time...songs like Soldier Boy by the Shirelle's and Wake Up Little Susie by the Everly Brothers. No evening of rollerskating would be complete without the "hokie pokie" and the "chicken dance", so we fit those into the program as well. One of the highlights of the evening was when PD removed his shirt and skated bareback. What a sight!

It was fun watching Vic, ever so confident, glide on her skates - a picture of a graceful swan. We had a great time wrapping up the evening with dirty bingo. Everyone left with great memories and feeling confident that a new tradition had begun.


Fun hotel memories with the family at Christmas time:

-Playing BLINK with Autumn and getting beat
-Swimming around in the kiddie pool, in 6" of water
-Scrambling to stop my grand-daughter, Savannah, from pushing the emergency call button in the elevator...I was too late :)
-Going down the water slide faster than anyone else because or my weight and the law of gravity
-Eating junk food at all hours of the day and night
-Waking up to the alarm clock at 4:30am because son-in-law, Eric, succeeded in setting our alarm without us noticing...he will pay a severe price
-Unable to get back to sleep and laying awake from 4:30 - 7:00am
-Eating bourbon chicken at the mall
-Having fun watching the grandkids thoroughly enjoy themselves.
-Hanging out with our entire family, except Vic and Aitchie, in one room
-Great relaxation

Just one: Aitchie has the flu and had to stay home with Vickster

It's been a hard days night,


Today we had a brunch in the Lifemates Community Group. One of the couples, Mike and Tammy brought a video from 1998 when Tammy appeared on the Price is Right with Bob Barker. She didn't win it all, but it was fun watching this bubbly young lady get excited after she heard these words following her name: "Come on Down!"

This fun and crazy video was followed by a serious challenge from Dave Ward, an itinerant preacher who we invited to share about his ministry with the class today. Dave challenged everyone in the class to become laborers, since "the harvest is plentiful but the workers/laborers are few." (Mt. 9:37)

Jesus was calling out to His disciples and He's calling out to you and me today to get involved in kingdom building work...the harvest is ready...workers are needed - "Come on down!"


Important events from the past year - chronologically:
-40 Days of Purpose
-Monday noon men's small group
-Honeymooner's events
-Passion of the Christ
-Income Tax time
-Hamilton H.S. vs. Allegan H.S. basketball game
-Lunch with Kathy Trocoli
-Meetings regarding doing ministry in a more effective way
-Birth of the SKILL Ministry
-Aitchie's birthday party
-Hanging with the grandkids while their parents cruise
-More than 100 baptisms after 40 DOP
-Last FLAME classes completed
-Wedding Song premarital workshop
-Tuesday night softball
-Thursday night tennis
-Breakfasts with Jay and Donna at Remember When
-House hunting with Bif and Jo-Jo in Marion
-Changing the oil in the Camry x2
-Dinners, and hanging out with our kids and grandkids
-Trips to Chicago with the G-woman and with others
-Hangtime with Gary Thomas
-Conference in LA and hanging out with Dallas Willard, Eugene Petersen, and Larry Crabb
-Unplugging with Dan Seaborn and Micah Kephart
-A week with some family members in Gulf Shores, AL
-Moving Bif and Jo-Jo from Oklahoma City to Marion, with Jimbo's help
-General Conference...what?
-Small group time
-Move into our new home
-Beach time
-A week of study and planning up north with Steve
-A week at Lake View with Family
-Eric gets teaching job and heads out to AZ
-Dad's 90th birthday
-Autumn's 5th birthday
-Hanging out with our kids and grandkids for extended times
-Teaching in Lifemates/Family Starters
-SHAPE + Consultations
-Friday Golf
-Eric and Lisa sale house and Lisa moves their stuff to AZ with Dan the driving man
-Hudson enters the world...quickly
-Begin working out regularly
-SKILL Ministry grows quickly
-Steve goes to Kiwi land and brings back a treat - Lift
-Savannah's birthday party
-Calvin beats Hope in hockey
-Thanksgiving with family
-Christmas with family - a couple of nights in Chicago

2004 - quick review...
Things that standout: Time with family, time with friends, and time in ministry.

Chicago. What a great city! Yesterday, we joined four couples and drove by car to Michigan City's Carroll Street Station, where we boarded the Northern Indiana Southshore train for Chicago. In less than 2 hours we wandering around Millinennium Park, State Street, Marshall Fields, Water Tower, Crate and Barrel, and Niketown. A Chicago trip at Christmas-time is a must! The best part of the day was a Dickens Brunch at the Drake Hotel. Awesome and incredible come to mind as key descriptive words for this experience.

It was a great day hanging out with good friends and enjoying one of the most exciting cities in our America.



With the inauguration of President Bush fast approaching, there's a group wishing to protest his presidency in a unique way. Check out the website shown below. This a peaceful way to make a point that they are more concerned about looking backward at the past, than forward to the bright future we have. Amazing!




My son, Steve, recently visited Kiwi-land and brought back a treat for me - a can of Lift! Thanks Steve!

I spent a few weeks in Australia a few years back and really enjoyed the refreshing taste of Lift. It's got a curious flavor - a bit lemon, a bit lime, maybe even a touch of kiwi...

If you have an opportunity - lift a Lift for me!

Books I'm currently reading:
Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller
Leadership Insights by Steve Moore
Out of the Question...Into the Mystery by Leonard Sweet


Why in the world have wire deer with white lights become the preferred yard symbol of Christmas??

This year I have seen an explosion of lighted yard deer and more and more are added daily. Are these guys reproducing. Are we being taken over by wire deer? The only thing that may save us from a potential hostile takeover, will be the large, lighted inflatables gracing the front yards of homes across the country - Santa's and Snowmen to the rescue!

Who stole Christmas?


Gayle and I have been spending a few weeks looking at, and teaching from the book of James in the Sunday morning Lifemates/Family Starters class.

This week we're looking at James 4:13-17, and discussing how we, as followers of Christ, can face the future. We really seem to be hungup, preoccupied, and even obsessed with the future. James is not saying that planning for the future is wrong, he's saying that leaving God out of this planning process is the problem.

Anyway, the verse that resonates with me is: "Anyone then, who know the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." (vs.17) The proverbial sin of omission. We can find ourselves seeking to understand God's will for our lives in the "BIG decisions" - should I buy this car, should I take this job, should we move into another neighborhood/city, or be a part of this or that ministry. Each of these decisions are important and it is important and necessary to seek God's wisdom and direction as we make these decisions. However, there's a ton of other "stuff" that God clearly states in His Word that are clearly "His will" for my life. How can I ignore obedience to these clear desires of God's heart for my life? Am I picking and choosing what part of God's will for my life I want to hear or respond to? Am I procrastinating in areas that I need to pull the trigger on? What's keeping me from responding?

I believe James is telling us that the more we walk in obedience in all areas of Gods' revelation to us, the easier it is to discover what God wants us to do. I wonder if Nike got the idea for "Just Do It" from the book of James?



Two nights in downtown Chicago! This is incredible. We took the train in from Michigan City so we didn't have to deal with the traffic. $6.50 each to take the train downtown - Randolf Street. Cabbed to our hotel, checked in, and then left for dinner at Lawry's. The best prime rib around. Later, we shared a dessert - key lime cheese cake - at the Cheesecake Factory - okay I ate all but one forkfull. Why can't we have one of these in West Michigan???

Christmas time on Michigan Avenue and on State Street is a special treat. Weather - 50 degrees. Throw a bag of Garrett's mixed popcorn in the mix and really party!

Favorite restaurant in Chicago area: Geja's Cafe in Lincoln Park - great fondue.



Life is
is Life

I have been given the responsibility of re-tooling our internship program and this is the theme for 2005 and beyond. It's my ministry assistant's idea - and a great one!

It really hits home for me since I was a great "compartmental Christian". My life, until age 29, consisted of neat little boxes or compartments. There was my family compartment, the career compartment, the social/friends compartment, and the church compartment. Each of these compartments stood alone and were independent of each other. In many ways I was a different person in each compartment. I recall being more than uncomfortable and even agitated when a compartment cracked open a bit and bled over into another compartment. That always created some real tense moments.

At age 29, I had an awesome wife, 3 wonderful, healthy children, a great family support system, and a very controlled, compartmentalized life. All that changed over the course of a weekend marriage retreat, where I was pointedly challenged to stop playing the compartment game and surrender each area (or compartment) of my life, to God - making Jesus Christ the Lord of my life and the focus of all my worship.

At age 29, at some non-descript campground near Grand Rapids, I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. God then began to reveal to me that Life Is Ministry and Ministry Is Life, and systematically each compartment began to be disassembled. He's been helping me understand this ministry lifestyle truth, as well as helping me live it out daily.

Forever Thankful,


Josh, an emerging pastor friend of mine, posted the Domino's Pizza logo on his blog around Thanksgiving and it created in me a desire to know the meaning behind the numbers displayed on the domino in the logo - a 1 and a 2.

I did some extensive research and here's the answer:

"The Domino name carries the company's main brand as market leader in its field of operation. The company's logo is a distinctive part of the business' brand. The three dots 'domino' image comes from the founder's idea that originally he would open three stores."

There ya have it...use it if you must, but remember where you got it.