

Just over a week ago we were enjoying the warmth of the Caribbean on a beautiful new cruise ship, hopscotching to various island ports. It has not been easy returning to the harsh reality of winter in Michigan! It's good, though, to check out the pictures and remember our time in the Virgin Islands and Bahamas!

Because I'm a very "giving" person, I want to share a couple of the pictures with you! Check out the woman entering the water on right side of the phot0. If she only knew....


I heard this quote the other day and I'm not sure who exactly it belongs to...maybe John Maxwell? Anyway, it's a great quote and one that I think can provoke some good discussion, so let's have at it. Here it is:

"We have time to do the things we want to do. We don't have time to do the things we pretend to want to do."




A Friend Departs
I went to a funeral on Monday. Actually it was entitled a celebration of the life of Herb Van Iddekinge. Herb passed away this past Friday evening at age 61. When I picked up the newspaper and quickly scanned the obituaries on Sunday morning, Herb's name in bold print, hit me like a ton of bricks. Herb was a friend. Even though our lives drifted a part over the past 20 years, the memories of times with Herb and his family are special. We vacationed with Herb at Big Star Lake for a couple of years. We often camped with Herb. We ate together, told jokes together, golfed together, laughed together. Herb was a guy who you could count on. A guy who would do or say "the right thing" when "the right thing" needed to be said or done. Herb had a heart for the less fortunate in our community and engaged in ministries that met their needs. Herb will be missed.


Hot and Cold

We're Back!!!
In the last 48 hours, we've experienced both hot and cold. The heat of the Caribbean and the cold of the midwest! Extremes. From total rest and relaxation to hitting the ground at 100 miles an hour as we head back to our responsibilities.

More on the vacation later....



Thank you Anheuser Busch for your Super Bowl ad that touched the hearts of every American.

It you didn't see the ad during the Super Bowl, it begins by showing a crowded
airport with some people having normal conversations and others sitting
patiently waiting for friends or their flights. Down the corridor you begin to see a few soldiers in desert fatigues, obviously coming off of a plane. The next thing heard is one person beginning to clap. As more soldiers come into view, more
and more people seem to stop what they are doing, stand up and turn toward the
troops and begin clapping until it sounds as if the entire terminal is
applauding our returning soldiers. The faces of the honored soldiers are priceless! It closes with the words “Thank You” on the screen. It's an ad that will bring tears to your eyes when you see the faces of these soldiers who are risking their very lives for freedom.
Check this moving TV ad out: http://www.herosalute.com/states/big_game_ad.html

"Facemask Lock"

It's over! The Super Bowl with all of it's hoopla, the rollout of new advertising initiatives, parties, food, $4,000 tickets, et al, is history. Pats win!

Super Bowl Facts
-A typical audience for the Super Bowl is 144 million people.
-More food consumed than any day of the year, except Thanksgiving.
-Biggest pizza selling day of the year.
-Americans dip into 43 million pounds of guacamole.
-Advertising goes for $80,000 a second.
-The outcome of the game is said to affect the stock market.

America loves a party. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago when some naysayers were complaining about the dollars being spent on the presidential innauguration, when there are so many needs in our world? I don't remember hearing any complaints about the money we spend as Americans throwing parties for a football game! Did I miss something?

Oh well, we helped the economy by throwing a party at our home last night, for 20+ couples...great food, great time, but no pizza or guacamole!


Mercy Me
"Happy are the merciful, for they will have mercy shown to them!" Mt. 5:7

First of all mercy is an action rooted in love. Showing and extending mercy to others is an area I need to grow in. Some of the obstacles I'm faced with that often short-circuit that growth are:

-Lack of patience with those who are prime candidates to be on the receiving end of the very mercy I need to extend.

-Another obstacle is a reluctance to forgive those who desperately need to be forgiven.

If I'm able to see people through God's eyes, mercy will flow quite naturally from my life. That's where I want to be....That's where I need to be.

Why is it, the very thing I desire from God and others, becomes so difficult for me to extend to others?