

I just noticed something interesting. When you spell Wal Mart backwards you end up with Law Tram. When you break those words down separately, you will soon understand and realize the nefarious, diabolical, scheme of Wal Mart.

First of all 'Wal' backwards spells Law. This retail giant picks and chooses who they want to put out of business, while purportedly finding loopholes in most existing business laws on the books today. They use their own marketing scheme and success, to damage the economy and create insurmountable problems for those who desire to compete with them. They do all this, just to save the consumer money and grow their business. What a tragedy.

Next, look at 'Tram'. Yup, that's right, they TRAMple on the rights of the common worker, and they really TRAMple on the poor competition. It just ain't fair.

According to many people, most of the problems in this country can be directly tied to Law Tram.




I came across the quote below this past week, informing us of another great plan the Dutch have put in place to deal with immigrating Muslims to the land of Netherland. This plan makes me proud to be Dutch! What wisdom! What insight! What a great way to take on an issue assertively! It all comes down to homosexuality and promiscuity or Muslims immigrating to the land by the sea. By the way, the Dutch always make it a point to brag about their tolerance! Here's the quote explaining their tolerant plan....

"The Dutch have devised an odd plan for stemming the flow of massive Muslim
immigration. To get into the Netherlands, potential immigrants must now
watch a video that features topless women sunbathing and men kissing. If
you don’t approve of the attitudes shown in the video, you don’t get in." Case closed.

I'm buying another pair of wooden shoes...



Beware of the black hole of self-centeredness. Once you're in it, you see nothing except yourself...which is probably what propelled you into the proverbial dark hole in the first place.

The interior walls of this distinct black hole consist of deception and despair. Black holites are deceived into thinking that the black hole is the place to be, their home...nothing else really matters. They even expect others to fling themselves into the hole and join them, without really thinking about how they ultimately would detest sharing their black hole with anyone else.

Enough about self-centeredness, let's talk about me!



I often hear people discuss their future and God's will for their lives utilizing the "open doors" and "closing doors" rule. You know the rule, God opens a door and we need to be poised and ready to step through it. And on the other hand, if we're sensing a need, desire, or calling to go through a door, only to find out that it is closed (not sure how the door ended up closed or how it was opened for that matter), then that is God's way of telling us that we need to look for another way to "serve Him".

Is God's will really about the path of least resistance? Does God ever lead us to a closed door and expect some determination on our part to open the door, or perhaps, knock the door down in pursuit of a calling on our lives? Consider Moses, as he answered God's call and sought to rescue God's people from captivity in Egypt. How many doors were slammed shut along the way?

If we're called to follow Him in obedience and with reckless abandon, shouldn't we expect some "closed doors"? Perhaps, just maybe, there's a miracle behind the closed door that is keeping us from marching on God's will.

Could we be putting far too much emphasis on doing something for God, than being who God has called us to be?




The most important 24 hours in history - the day that saved the world - is the 24 hours that led up to, and culminated with Christ's death on the cross. Without His death, there's no resurrection. Without His resurrection, there is no hope. Without hope, there is no future. Without a future, there is only self-seeking chaos.

There is more to lent than what I'm peeling off our clothes dryer screened filter!


"Rain falls on the just and the unjust unlike." The Bible

The first chapter of Job speaks of a multitude of tragedies heaped upon one man - Job. He lost everything we would call important in life - family and wealth. His reaction was, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, may the name of the Lord be praised." What?

But what about the fact that I have to dish out more cash out of my pocket for health insurance? What about my tire that keeps losing air? What about the traffic lights that keep me from making my next appointment on time? What about the new pair of pants that keep shrinking every time I wash them? And how about the price of my favorite donut going up 10 cents? It's just not fair!

It's all about contentment.



For the past couple of years I limited myself to one network television show. That show was, ER. During the past few seasons, ER has continued a downward spiral, and I began to lose interest. The characters were not interesting and, as a result, the story-line each week seemed to lose its punch.

This year I decided to drop ER in favor of 24! What a move! I'm literally finding myself looking forward to Mondays to find out what's going to happen in the next hour. My excitement and love for this show is bordering on an addiction. I'm concerned about what Monday nights will be like once the season comes to a conclusion. Will Tiger baseball or Piston basketball suffice??

Does anyone know how I can get in touch with Jack Bauer?