I’ve been enjoying reading Louie Giglio’s book: I Am Not But I Know I AM.
His chapter on the cosmos reminded me again, of the magnitude of God and our total incomprehensibility of who He is. It’s almost comical watching as bright and educated men struggle, argue and make great efforts to explain how earth and mankind came into existence. These same types thought the earth was flat, even though the prophet Isaiah spoke of the earth being round (Is. 40:22). But then, what did he know!? Or should I say...Who did he know?
Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. In fact, the light we see generated by the sun at this very moment, left the sun's surface and traveled 93 million miles in 8 minutes! That's a whole lot faster than I can get to my mailbox! By the way, Jesus said He is the light of the world.
Scientists have developed a unit of measure called a light year, which is how fast light travels in 365 days (roughly 5.88 trillion miles). That’s 588 and whole bunch of zeroes. A light year has become our yardstick to measure the universe.
When we are able to look at the newest galaxy that was recently discovered…yes, that’s right scientists are still discovering stuff – the light from that galaxy left that galaxy 13 billion years ago. That brings a whole new meaning to time travel.
Despite our hubris, we really have no clue how big the universe is, and we are so limited in our knowledge about it. However, our brightest and best are convinced that all of this just sort of happened. But they don't stop there, they insist we teach it as science! Now that's a step of faith.
What's wrong with this picture?
I am not,